Chapter6:The worst and hurtful Date

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Austin's POV
YN is really impatient. As I took the blindfold off her, she jumped up the the chair really fast and turned around.

"Where's my mom", she asked with a confused faced.

"Why, your not happy to see me?" I asked joking and laughing.

"I am happy, maybe the happiest girl ever, but my mom was driving me somewhere and..." She said really confused not knowing what she is saying.

"She did that because she was helping me with all this....our first official date." I cleared her mind.

"Thanks Austin, I love you so much" she told me putting her hands around my neck giving me a tight hug. I put my hands around her waist giving her a tight hug too. The she pulled away.
I put my hands on her waist pulling her even closer until our hips met and she put her hands around my neck.

I leaned in to kiss her forehead then she blushed and looked down. I hold her chin and she closes her eyes.

I lean in and planted a soft kiss on her lips. I kissed again but longer and I could feel her smiling through the kiss.
I could kiss her soft warm lips all day! She has the most beautiful and the most soft lips in the whole world. I pulled away as everyone clapped their hands because we kissed.

We totally forgot that we were in the middle of the restaurant. I blushed and looked in YN eyes and I could see she was blushing too.
I pulled out her chair for her to sit then pulled out mine so I can sit in front facing her.

"Thanks Austin, for everything you've done for me", she said sweetly.

"Babe no need to thank me. You know I am always going to be their for my darling" I said making her secure and intertwining our fingers.

The waiter comes and asks us what we wanted.

"You guys are great couples! It's like you guys are made for each other", the waiter said sweetly.

"Thanks", YN and I said together blushing.

"We decided we would like 2 lasagnas and 2 cokes",I say then YN interrupts me.

"No, we would only like one lasagna and 2 cokes", YN says to her and winks at me. The waiter goes to get our dinner.

"Why only one lasagna, aren't you going to eat", I ask her.

"Wow Austin, you really don't know anything about romantic dates", she joked.

"Oh ok now I get it! Eating one lasagna is romantic", I told her joking.

"Oh Austin you are the best boyfriend in the whole wide world", she said sweetly.

"Since you are there, you are the best girlfriend in the whole wide world! I love you, YN", Austin said whole taking my hand and planting a soft quick kiss.

"I love you too Austin", I said blushing. Then a girl passed by us and she bend down to pick up her purse that fell.

When she got up, Austin's face literally dropped on the floor with anger. I couldn't see who it was so I was confused.

When the girl turned around, I jumped up my chair in anger and really shocked. I looked at Austin and he stood up too. It was Miley!

"Enjoying your dinner", Miley said sarcastically.

Austin was about to say something to her but I grabbed his hand preventing him to not say anything.

"Well YN what a hideous dress you got there", she said pointing at my dress.

"Miley YN is the best thing that has ever happened to me and you being my friend was the worst thing that has happened to me", Austin said angrily whole holding my hand as we were walking to towards the door.

Then I saw Miley holding a medal bar and she was coming towards us. I was about to get even closer to Austin when she hit me on the back of my head really hard.

Austin's POV
   As we were walking to the door, YN stopped. I turn around and see her with her hand on the back of her head and was about to fall but I caught her.

"YN!" I yell almost crying, when I saw Miley holding the medal bar with blood on it. I ignored it for now and focused on YN. She was laying down on my arms almost closing her eyes as they got heavier.

"Please stay with me!" I yell now crying

"That was great", Miley said smiling. "Let her die! You don't need to cry for her! I am their for you",she said sweetly but happy that YN was almost out of her life.

"Shut up you nasty woman!" I yell at her. "Someone call the ambulance!" I cried hoping someone would.

" I already called the ambulance along with the police to catch Miley", one of the generous woman stated helping us a lot.

Miley was about to get away when two guys caught her. She was now in their grip tightly so she won't be able to go anywhere.

There were four other people who were by them making sure if she did get out of their grip she wouldn't be able to anywhere.

"YN, stay with me, we are getting help", I yell my heart out trying to get her in my arms when I saw the ambulance and police.

I ran to the ambulance, YN , still in my arms. The police went in and I went with them while the nurses took YN putting the oxygen mask and the tubes and wires.

"She hit her with the medal bar with the blood on it", I told the police pointing to the medal bar than Miley who was still in the guys grip.

"No I didn't" Miley said sweetly.

"Yes she did hit her", I heard people in the restaurant supporting me.

"You snitches", Miley said as the police took her.

I left to the hospital with the ambulance to our doctor and he took her to the ER.

Meanwhile I was there worrying, I saw my mom come. I ran to her and I hugged her as tight as I could .

"It's ok", she said rubbing my back up and down.

"I couldn't take care of her" I told her pulling back and sitting on the chair.

Then the doctor came out.

"Is YN ok!" I said getting up and going to him.

"Umm",the doctor said with worried and concerned eyes.


Hey guys I have a cliff hanger, I know again, but I think it's really nice to have one. If you don't like it plz comment and if you do plz comment too. To those who may not like my story plz comment why and what I can do to improve. Thx guys! Vote, comment, and follow suchi99!!! Thx again guys!

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