Start from the beginning


"Ha, it's you again, Miss!" The porter all but peered into my car with his bright torch.

"Why, yes, it's me." I squinted, raising my hand to cover my eyes, not only wondering why he on earth he was beaming his torch at me when the street lamps provided enough light, but also why there was an emphasis on a word in his statement. Thankfully, he straightened up and put off his torch. Phew!

As soon as he swung the gate open, I drove in with speed, unintentionally startling the man a bit. But thankfully, he didn't yell, only threw a glare at my back. I put my hand out in an apologetic wave only for me to realize the gesture seemed like 'bye'. Quickly, I retrieved my arm and sighed. I could only hope this night went well.

There were lots of cars in the parking lot, but thankfully, I was able to find a space. Although, by the time I turned off the engine, I realized I was parked beside Ryan's buggatti. Great!

I put on my heels, which I had taken off to drive, before getting down from my car. I then texted Ethan to come get me. I could hear the noise of the party but I couldn't tell if it was indoors or outdoors since the entire building and compound seemed lit and lively. After what seemed like forever, Ethan finally showed up.

"Sorry I'm late!" I said as soon as he was closer.

"Hi! The party's still on for a long time, never fear!" He said, beaming "Woah, Sam you look stunning! I almost didn't recognize you." Oh wow.

"Thanks?" I muttered. Ethan chuckled.

"Come on, I didn't mean it like that. You do look stunning any day, but something is definitely different about tonight." He said.

"My hair." I grinned. Theresa had, after much pleading and begging, accepted to style my hair into beautiful curls. I really loved the way it turned out, I might as well wear curls for the rest of the year!

"Right!" Ethan snapped his fingers, grinning and staring at my hair "Pretty."

"Thank you. Now where is everyone?"


Ethan led me by my hand into the huge mansion. We immediately met his parents as soon as we walked in.

"Hi Sam!" They both greeted which made us laugh.

"Hi sir and ma'am" I greeted. "Happy birthday Mrs Woods!"

"Why, Sam, why." She fake cried as she pulled me into a hug. "I know I'm not getting any younger, no need to remind me." I laughed. Only Mrs Woods could make that statement incredibly hilarious. I handed her the gift which I had gotten for her. I had wrapped it earlier this week so it wasn't a factor to make me even later.

"Aww, thank you so much, Sam!" She neatly unwrapped it and let out an 'aww' as she saw the necklace beautiful necklace seated in its box.

"This is so thoughtful, Sam. I know this seems like a party for adults but trust me it isn't. Everyone knows I have friends of all ages!" I laughed in appreciation and thanked her officially for the invite.

"It's good to see you again, Mr W-" I started but got cut off.

"Don't even dare!" Eric Woods threw a playful glare. I laughed as he gave me a side hug.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I said to the couple.

"Oh it's fine baby." Claire waved her hands dismissively. "The party's very much on!"

"Come on in." Eric said. I nodded, then turned around, only to find Ethan safely away from us. I walked to him, laughing as he pouted. He immediately took hold of my arm as soon as I reached him, literally pulling me away from his smiling and smirking parents. The latter expression from his mother.

The Bullies' Slave 1Where stories live. Discover now