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Important Information!

Hi everyone! It's been a minute over here. Trust we're all doing great? So as I mentioned earlier, there'd be a book two. This post is to inform us of the latest development.

Considering the current situation, I really can't say when exactly book two would be out. I'm currently carrying out some serious editing to book one which y'all would agree is highly needed😅❤️.

Thank you so much for all your support so far, God bless you. Hopefully, the editing gets done faster so the new book can start as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, please do not remove the books from your library or reading list so as to get updated information. Also, if you haven't followed me here, you can. I sometimes post updates and info on my wall.

In editing, some posts will be taken down and all. Just expect something cleaner and more organized. Thank you once again for your patience.

Always remember, I love you and God loves you so much more, He did all for you in Christ Jesus because He loves you. Forgiveness of sins, sanctification, righteousness, Holiness, freedom from sin, death, hell and the grave, salvation and eternal life were all given to us in and through Christ Jesus. God is waiting for you. Will you believe in and receive Him as your Lord and Savior today?

P.S my DM is always open to you for any discussion or if you simply just need a friend or someone to talk to.



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