Time to shop pt. 1 ( naegiri)

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Warning this is very long

Pov: Makoto

My alarm clock went off on my phone. "Ugh is it morning already?" I dread mornings, but then I remembered that this was a special morning. Me and Kyoko, along with Sayaka and Leon were all going to a shopping center nearby to shop for decorations for our dorms together. (In case you didn't read all the chapters and only read the ones you wanted to, Makoto and Sayaka were going on a shopping trip together and Makoto had invited Kyoko to tag along with them, and Leon had heard about this and decided to join as well.) I got dressed in my casual clothes and grabbed my wallet, I looked around my room to see if there was anything I really needed. I had posters of Sayaka on my walls, I had video game posters on my walls, I had blue bed sheets, a few pieces of fanart of me, drawn by toddlers when I donated some of my old toys, (they weren't good at all, but I still loved them with all my heart), a closet with clothes (many were hoodies), LED lights on my walls, and my main attraction my 2 pc monitors and computer. It was pretty normal for a high school boys room, but I bet there would be something that catches my eyes at the mall. I grabbed my wallet and phone and left my dorm, tying my keys to an accessory on my belt. I wondered whose door I should knock on first. I checked my phone to see that we had half an hour left until we were supposed to meet up.

Normally I was late so this was abnormal for me to be done getting ready before I had to leave to go to some place. I headed to the common area for my floor to see if anyone was up. I found kyoko there making tea. "Hey kyoko!" I said. "Oh hello Makoto, you're up early, is something the matter?" nothing really was wrong, except for the fact I had woken up and not been late. "No not really, I'm just seeing who's up and if anyone else wants to join our shopping trip. Also who all are going to join our shopping trip." I said to Kyoko. "Well, yesterday somehow Junko ended up hearing that we were going on a shopping trip and asked me to join, I said yes as long as she didn't make any inappropriate remarks about what someone likes, or their fashion, but that's all I know of." Kyoko said "Okay well thank you Kyoko, I'll make use of the rest of my time and make sure that everyone is ready and awake." I thanked Kyoko and went to check up on the others.

I ran by the room Sayaka and Leon shared and rang the doorbell on the door. I heard a light shriek (probably because the door bell was so loud) and Leon answered the door. "Oh hey Leon, I was just checking to see if everyone was awake and ready. If we all get ready and head down now, I was thinking we could all have a little more time to shop." Leon had an annoyed look on his face. " Is that all? We'll go, Sayaka and I are getting ready, we'll be down soon." I left the door way wondering what was happening between those two, and why were they so flustered? I headed down to Junko's room to see if she was getting ready, and to see if Mikan, her girlfriend, was with her. I knocked on her door. I heard a long " Whatttttttt?" come from Junko's room. " Umm...I was just checking in on you, I was making sure everyone was awake, if everyone was ready before the time we decided to meet, I was thinking we could leave earlier." I said. " Mikan's letting me do her makeup, we'll be there when it's time to meet up, now go away." I walked away. I doubled checked my outfit, I had my wallet, keys, everything. We had fifteen more minutes left until it was the planning time for us to meet up. Everyone else was busy, or getting ready if they were joining our shopping trip. The only person I knew that was ready to go was Kyoko.

"Maybe we can plan out her room and try to find decor like that." I said to myself. I went down to the common area to see if she was still there. Kyoko wasn't there, but it looked like some of my other classmates were gathering to go hang out themselves. Asahina, Sakura, Chihiro, Mondo, and Taka. " Hey guys, are you all going to hang out together?" I said to the group. " Yeah, we're all going to workout together." said Mondo. "Okay guys, be safe and don't hurt yourself, I'm going to find Kyoko, did you guys see her leave?" "Ohhhhh~ Maktoto wants to make a move~." said Asahina. "Hina, please don't tease him, I saw Kyoko head to her room Makoto." Sakura said. I thanked Sakura and headed to Kyoko's room. I was about to knock on Kyoko's door when I suddenly got really nervous. I didn't know why but my face suddenly got red and my brain went foggy. Was it because I was going into a girls room? I had already been inside her room before, why was this any different?

I slowly knocked on Kyoko's door, not having any plan on what to tell her or ask her when she opened the door. I heard the door open. " Makoto? Did you finish waking everyone up?" "Umm yeah Kyoko, But I was wondering if... umm we could talk about.. like... um." "Are you okay Makoto?" "I was just wondering if we could plan out your room so we have a general idea of what we should get!" " If that's the case then I will let you in." Kyoko took a small pause. " Come on inside Makoto." I went inside Kyoko's room. It was still the same old default room. Kyoko stood beside her bed, she looked at me while I sat on her bed. When I go to my friends house I just sit on their bed, so it was a habit. "So what do you want inside your room?" I asked Kyoko. She took a small pause. "I don't really know. You're the one that really wanted me to get decoration, I don't know what to get." Kyoko pauses again. "Say, Makoto, you're always talking about how normal you are. What does a normal girl have in her room?"

I wasn't really prepared for that question. The only "normal" girl that I have really known is Komaru. She's not the person I would rely on for decorating a "normal girl's room". From what I remember of her room, it's not really like mine. We both had Sayaka Maziono posters pasted from head-to-toe. That was the only real thing we had in common with our rooms. She has a full bookcase dedicated to manga, and a shrine for all her husbandos and waifus. As I was thinking, Kyoko sat down next to me on her bed. "I don't know a lot about "normal", what do...normal boys and girls say and do with each other?" Again I wasn't expecting that question. What do normal girls and boys do? "Well it depends on their relationship with each other. If they are friends they might go to each other's houses or apartments." Kyoko looked like she was retaining every word I said. Kyoko then asked. " So are we friends? You're in my room right now does that qualify us as friends?" "Yeah kinda." "Wait, continue your lesson, I would like to learn more about this." I got a little flustered and tried to search for words. ( Little note: I'm only saying "boys and girls because that's what kyoko asked. I'm not like a homophobe or anything, I'm even a part of the community myself) "Well... if a boy and a girl get even closer than that, they might be...best friends, like if they rely on each other and try to protect one another." "So again kind of like us. You're helping me right now and I think we both protect each other in a way." I nodded. I then realized that I would have to explain dating relationships to her.

"Umm well the last step in a girl to boy relationship...is... umm... dating, like hanging out together more than your other friends, or being physically close with each other." Kyoko paused. " Are... we like that?" Kyoko asked while eyeing the small space we had from one another. " Well... umm... kinda..I mean... not... but if you want to?" Kyoko had a puzzled look on her face, not understanding anything I said to her. She then leaned over and kissed me. I was so surprised. This was my first kiss! I didn't know what to do, did Kyoko know what she was doing? I decided to kiss back. I held the back of her head as we made out on her bed. We separated our lips and sat apart for a second. Kyoko decided to break the silence."That was very good kissing on your part Makoto." She then arises from her spot on the bed, and glances at her phone, as said. " It's almost time to meet up with the others, we better get going." Kyoko began to leave her room, but then she paused. "Thank you makoto for teaching me." She then left for the common area to see if anyone else from our group was there.

STAY TUNED FOR " TIME TO SHOP PT.2 (naegiri)" and make sure to look out for the other ships "time to shop"

( by other ships I mean the ones that were mentioned, not like ishimondo, Author-chan is gonna write the workout thing)

This was written by Issa

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