Toko's inspiration (tokomaru)

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Pov: Komaru

I exit my big brother's room. "Bye Makoto, I'm going to Toko's room to hangout." I leave my brother and start walking down that hallway. She talked to me earlier about wanting to write a new book. I suggested that we worked in a group for a manga but she opposed the idea. " Komaru! You shouldn't even think of something like that." She said to me earlier. We fought over it for a while but we both got over it quickly. I got her a little surprise to help make up for my hOrRiBle ThInKiNg.

I know she wanted to write another romance book ( It's all she writes) so I wanted to put her in the mood for that. I dressed up kinda nice.... Well it was an improvement from what I normally wear, and I got her fake flowers(cause her dissociative identity disorder thingy) and chocolate as well. I made my way down to her room to surprise her. I knocked on her door. We both have a copy of each other's keys and normally just walk in, but I was afraid that I'll get yelled at for just walking in and I didn't want her to be even more upset. She answered and I said " Hello Toko, may i come in." "Y-you know that you can j-just come in right DEKUMARU." " I-I see, so your you're still upset huh, well I got you a gift." Toko had a blushing creeping onto her face. " Y-you know, you don't have to get me a gift every time you screw up right. I-I also got you something, It was also my fault too, again i said rude remarks about your..... Wonderful taste in literature." Toko handed me the full collector edition of "A bomb inside her" I gasped. "Toko you really bought this for me!" "Yeah you better be happy, I just hope no one saw me..." I ran up to toko and hugged her.

"You're the best, you know that right?" Toko then grabbed my collar and kissed me. " You remind me everyday." Toko and I just sat laughing together for a while. " Hey I got you something too." " How predictable." " Just take it." Toko grabbed the fake flowers and chocolate from my hands. " I know that you need inspiration for a new novel, so I got you something romantic-ish." Toko's face is completely flushed. "Y-you know Komaru, I think I've already got inspiration for my new book, It's about a forbidden love between two hopeless girls, they are madly in love with each other-" "Pretty neat Toko, how'd you get that idea, did you read some romance books or something? Or maybe it's just your natural talent, you *are* the ultimate writing prodigy and your speciality is romance, it would just randomly pop into your head." Toko mutters something that I couldn't make out into words. That doesn't matter. I love her and we're together now and that's all that matters. I love Toko. I had to leave her room 'cuz it was getting dark but I felt relieved that things were ok with Toko and I. I left her room, still imagining her soft lips pressing mine.

This was written by Issa and edited by Author-Chan

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