How You Can Tell Their Lying

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Trafalgar Law

Law bites the inside of his cheek when he lies. He does it ever so slightly that you need to look closely to notice it. Though whenever you think you've caught the Doctor in a lie threatening him with some bread will have him spilling the truth within seconds.

Dracule Mihawk

Mihawk will move his right foot forward about an inch when he lies. Though if he is sitting down and his right leg is resting over his left, he'll move it so both of his feet are on the ground. Getting him to admit the trust is much like Law but threatening his wines is the trick for this one.

Bartholomew Kuma

Kuma will start sweating but he only does this when he lies to his lover. The guilt will get to him within an hour and he will admit to his lie all on his own.

Sir Crocodile

Croco-chan will tap his cigar against his ashtray exactly three times even if he didn't need to do so. His lover will stare at him as they tap their fingers against his desk or another surface. Croco-chan will try to ignore them but eventually, he'll stand up and admit to his lie before he sits back down or leaves the room.

Donquixote Doflamingo

Doffy is easy, his lover learned quickly that when the man lied to them his nose would slightly scrunch up, and his grin twitches. They would never tell Doffy this information though since he would stop doing it and they secretly found it adorable even if the man would lie to them. Doffy never lied about anything major so they were fine with it.

Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock could never lie to her lover, she couldn't risk losing her love due to her own dishonesty.


Jinbei's eyes will start to focus on an object behind his lover or start complimenting them on how their outfit looked great on them. After his lover refuses to speak to him the fish-man will quickly apologize and take them out to shower them with gifts. His love doesn't care much for the gifts but Jinbei begs them to at least pick out one item.

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