If You Try To Break Up With Them

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Trafalgar Law

I may have heard some rumors around the submarine and let them get to me since before I could stop myself, I had already walked into my boyfriend's office. "Law we need to break up!" When the man didn't look up from his papers, I said my sentence again just encase he didn't hear me the first time. "And why is that (Y/n)-ya?"

"You know exactly what you did! Don't play me for a fool!" When Law started to rub his temples with his thumb and index finger, I narrowed my eyes at him since this was a serious matter. "(Y/n)-ya I have no idea what you're talking about. Please take a seat" Leave it to Law to play the innocent act but I was not about to give in to his orders. "No! You're a fucking cheater!"

When Law stood up from his desk, I took a few steps back but it was only for his safety. "(Y/n)-ya I have never once cheated on you! Who the hell told you I did!?" Thinking back to what I had overheard today I felt my fist clench but quickly responded before I could act on my rage. "Penguin said you stole the hearts of three girls and two men on the last island we're on! How dare you yell at me cheater!"

He seemed to be thinking over what I said although once his facial features relaxed, I became confused. "(Y/n)-ya I love you to death but you can be a moron at times. I took the hearts of those people as in the actual beating organ. Do you want to see them?" When a small blue cube was placed on the desk between us, I felt the color drain my face before I slowly started to back away. "Wait... Oh my- I was never here! This conversation never happened!"

"I'll see you at dinner (Y/n)-ya and please stop yelling you'll only make your throat sore"

Dracule Mihawk

"Mihawk where are you!?" I had endured being stuck on this island for far too long and once I found my so-called boyfriend, I was going to tell him exactly how it was. He wouldn't be very happy with me but I just didn't care anymore. "In the kitchen. Why are you screaming my dear?" When the man stuck his head out of the kitchen, I noticed a bowl in his hand though ignored it as I started the little tangent that I had been practicing all morning. "I'm breaking up with you and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind"

Instead of becoming annoyed with me, I noticed he only turned his back and slowly started to speak. "There's a new girl wandering around the castle. Her name is Perona perhaps you can act as her mother figure for the remainder of her stay?" Damn it why did this man have to use my weakness for children against me like this? "Where is this girl?" As my head started to look around the area for the girl, I heard what sounded like a smartass comment from Mihawk. "Aren't you ending our partnership (Y/n)?"

"Tsk. That can wait until next month"


Three Months Later...

"Mihawk I'm breaking up with you and this time I'm serious!" I knew the man had just returned from the war a few days ago but unfortunately, I was sick so I couldn't start a fight with him at the time of his return. "(Y/n) have you met my new student yet?" He might have been able to change my mind by allowing Persona to stay here but this time I wasn't going to let that happen. "No! I'm not going to fall for that trick ag- Is that him? He's so cute!"

"You're predictable as ever my dear"

Bartholomew Kuma

I had been thinking this through for a while now but today I had finally decided where I stood with my boyfriend. We couldn't be together sexual and, in the end, that was what caused me to settle with the decision of leaving him. "Kuma?" As he turned his attention away from his book, I felt my breath stop for a minute though I knew this had to be done. "Yes, (Y/n)-chan?"

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