When You're Depressed (Law)

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Trafalgar Law

He was a doctor and that meant he could heal people but maybe I shouldn't have been bothering him. I mean he looked busy, my problem could always wait until tomorrow. "Law?" He was paperwork like always although when he looked up, I could see his dark circles had gotten worse. Even with his tan skin, I noticed them and maybe I should have said someone but I didn't. "What is it (Y/n)-ya? I'm a little busy right now" I was right, this wasn't a good time. My problem could wait it wasn't that important to make him stop what he was doing. "Oh, I'm sorry... It can wait"

Law's facial expression never changed although things like reading people's emotions weren't his strong suit. Sure, he could tell a few things when it came to medical issues but I guess my problem wasn't that noticeable. "Can you hand me that paper?" I didn't want to bother him anymore and besides, I still had some chores to finish before supper. "Here you go" I was good at hiding this problem from Law but maybe that was wrong.

He was my captain and always wanted the best for his crew although even if moments before I was going to ask for help things, were different. It might have only been a few minutes however that was all it took for me to retreat back into the shell that was my mind. "Thank you... Is something wrong (Y/n)-ya?" Things would be better this way. My problems could fix themselves I didn't need to bother him with them. He was much too busy for that. "It's nothing! I'll see you later!" He was still looking at a document but took a moment to stare across the room before turning his focus on me. "Come back at six I'll have time for you then"

"Okay!" I didn't want him to think I was lying although thankfully I would have a few hours to think about what I was going to say. Lying to Law wasn't right but it was necessary. His time was much too valuable for me to waste on something so small and meaningless. "Here (Y/n)-ya do you want my cake? I'm not a fan of sweets" I didn't always like cake but I had tasted this one earlier and did find it good. "Oh, thank you. Are you sure you're not going to eat it?"

"Like I said I'm not a fan of sweets. Now, run along (Y/n)-ya. I'll see you at six" Taking the cake I looked back to him but Law only nodded his head as I sign it was okay to take the sweet. "Thank you, Law" It wasn't often he would share although this was nice to see. "No problem (Y/n)-ya and if you see Penguin-ya could you please send him in here?" I thought Law already knew that he was sick in bed thankfully to what had happened yesterday. "He was sleeping off his cold the last time I saw him" I noticed the way Law stood up but I didn't understand it since he had just said that he was busy. "Where?"

"In his room" I was still shocked Law had just stood up like that but when he started to the door, I followed behind him. "Moron... Thank you (Y/n)-ya I'm going to check on him" If he was so busy then why was he going out of his way to check on someone who just had a little cold? He didn't just drop everything for me but I did leave out what I had wanted to tell him. "Why?" Law's hand briefly rested on my head although it made me feel like a child. "I'm the doctor on this ship (Y/n)-ya and I need to make sure he's not going to drop dead. You run along"

"Oh, okay" I was going to walk past him but the same hand moved to block my path. "Are you sure nothings wrong, (Y/n)-ya?" I didn't want to lie to him although I didn't want to tell the truth either. This was a bad spot to be in but tomorrow I'd tell him no matter how much it hurt. "Everything's fine. You should get going. See you later, Captain"


Later That Night...

"(Y/n)-san what are you doing?" I didn't bother turning away from the window although did offer a reply to my crewmate. "Looking at the fish" There were only a few reasons why he'd be here but none of them were good. "Law-san is looking for you" I must have lost track of time although I didn't really want to see him right now. "Why does he want me?" I knew why he wanted me but I just wanted to play dumb at the moment. "You missed your appointment with him. Should I tell him where you are?"

"I'd rather you not" Law was a good captain don't get me wrong although at times I wanted nothing to do with him. "Is something wrong (Y/n)-san? Your scent is different" Leave it to the mink to point that out but I guess they knew more than people did. It was sad that a bear as clueless as Bepo could see there was something wrong with me since the only person that mattered didn't even care. "Is it?" Things should have been different but they weren't and maybe I was being stupid to think they would be. This was a pirate ship, I had no right being a part of this crew when I lacked so much. Maybe it was time I left. "I'm sorry. I'll go tell Law-san I couldn't find you"

"You will do no such thing Bepo-ya" I didn't expect to hear his voice however I still remained focused on the window as my hands balled themselves into fists. "Ahhh! I'm sorry, Law-san!" There was some sort of conversation being them but I wasn't focused enough to listen. All I knew for sure was that one or both of them left the room. "(Y/n)-ya you had something to tell me this morning and I didn't listen. I'm sorry I didn't have time then but you can speak freely now" Where was this when I needed it? If he really felt like this then it should have been offered this morning. "Nothings wrong"

"Do you remember what I told you when you first joined this crew?" It had been years since that day but I remember like it had been yesterday. He cared back then maybe this voyage that side of Law was lost. "No" His words were still clear although I didn't trust myself to speak them aloud. Even now my strength was fading and I wasn't sure how long I could hold on. "I can stand when my crew acts like morons but I can not tolerate liars. Now, what's the matter (Y/n)-ya?" My mind was already made up and there was nothing Law could say to fix this. "I-It's not important"

"I'll determine if it's important or not" Law was stubborn that much was clear although I made the mistake of looking him in the eyes. They were different today and maybe that was why I started to panic. "P-Please go away" Having a breakdown in front of Law wouldn't be any good. He'd probably think I was weak and throw me off the ship immediately. "No, I'm going to sit here until you feel better. Our bedrooms are connected by a very thin wall (Y/n)-ya... I know you're in pain but I'm not sure the cause"

That was the last straw I just couldn't hold it in for another second. "I don't have to stay here! Leave me alone and don't pretend as if you care about anyone but yourself!" Those words were said out of anger although Law remained still before his hand took a hold of mine. I didn't pull away but those tattooed letters had gotten my attention. Over the years I had read it countless times however lately I had been thinking over that one word too many times.

"Depression takes on many forms (Y/n)-ya so if you need to yell at me then do it. I should have seen it earlier" That wasn't the problem I was having. Everything just felt off and I couldn't explain it but what I knew for sure was that I wasn't depressed. "I'm not depressed Law" He might have been a doctor although he was wrong about this. I shouldn't have even said anything to him in the first place. "Then why are you crying?" My free hand reached up towards my cheek but I almost felt like I was seeing things. The fingertips were glossy although I don't remember starting to cry. "I don't know"

"Let it out (Y/n)-ya it's unhealthy to keep your emotions in like this. Don't worry whatever happens here stays in this room. You can trust me" My brain was in overdrive and I just didn't know if I could believe what he was telling me. "Can I really?" Law always had a way with words but maybe this time he was making a good point. "I'll be here for you until the end. You're the most important person on this ship. I love you" That couldn't have been heard right. "Y-You love me?"

"Yes, I love you (Y/n)-ya. Will you tell me your problem so I can fix it?" This was a side of Law I thought was long gone but maybe he was just good at hiding it. "C-Can it wait until tomorrow?" I was still unsure about sharing my problems although instead of becoming angry Law understood. "Take your time (Y/n)-ya. When your ready just tell me and I'll drop everything for you"

"Thank you, Law. I-I'll be ready tomorrow..."

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