Each time they walked by, or somewhere I could see them, I stared. Not in a weird way, I was just desperately trying to figure out why they looked so familiar.

After at least an hour of struggle, I decided to grow some balls and say something. It shouldn't be such a big deal, but it was bothering me that I couldn't figure out where I had seen them from. The brown haired boy had been standing by himself, on his phone. I plucked up the courage, and walked over to him.

"Hi." I said, nervously waving. The boy looked up from his phone, and put it in his pocket when he saw me. "Hi." He says with a smile. "Okay, this might sound weird, but I've been seeing you and your friend, I'm pretty sure, walking around. You both look extremely familiar, and I just can't figure out where I have seen you both from, and it's really bothering me." I say, chuckling slightly. "Oh, well him and I do YouTube together, and we used to do vine when it wasn't, y'know, dead. My name is Colby, his name is Sam. You may know us by Sam and Colby?" He questions. "Oh yeah! I used to watch you two on vine a ton. I really liked your vines, and I still do. They would always make me laugh." I say with a smile of relief. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah, I thought you guys were the funniest people." I say. "Well it's good to meet someone who doesn't think we were, or are absolutely, completely cringe worthy." He laughs. "I don't know why people would think that. But hey, I think you guys were funny, that's a good thing." I say. "Yeah, it is." He laughs. "But, um would you mind if I got a picture by chance? It's totally okay if not." I ask. "Oh, of course, it's no problem." He says, smiling. "Actually, why don't we find Sam so you can have a picture with us both? If that's cool with you." He suggests. "Yeah, that sounds great." I say happily. "Awesome, want to come look with me?" He asks. "Yeah, sure." I say.

We both start to walk, and look around for Sam. "By the way, I really like your bathing suit." Colby says, giggling a bit. "Oh, yeah. I thought it was quite poetic when I found it, so I bought it by impulse." I explain, making Colby laugh. "So, I know this is going to sound horrible, but I have never seen you or Sam on YouTube before, and I'm curious what kind of stuff you do?" I ask. "Wow, fake fan." He scoffs jokingly. "No, but, Sam and I like to explore abandoned buildings. At least that's what we do on our duo channel." He tells me. "Wait, really?" I ask. "Yep." He reassures. "No way, I've always wanted to do that. Man, probably since I was eight or so? I've always found abandoned places so fascinating. But I've never gotten to go to one." I explain. "Why not?" Colby asks. "Well, I've always wanted to go with some friends. But I don't have any other than my bestfriend from back in Kansas. And she's always been too much of a chicken." I laugh. "Oh, I get that. Going alone is never the most fun experience. It's cool if you just wanna go to think, or something. But it's always more fun with friends." He says. "Exactly." I say.

We both talked for a while more, and actually completely forgot about finding Sam. We only remembered why we were walking, until Sam ran up behind us.

"Hey man, where did you go?" Sam asks, putting his hand on Colby's shoulder. The both of us turn around to find Sam standing there, panting slightly. "Oh, shit." Colby laughs. "Who's this?" Sam asks curiously, pointing to me. "Oh, this is..." He hesitates. "Jordan, Jordan Mustgrove." I say, shaking Sam's hand. "Well it's nice to meet you Jordan. I'm Sam." He says, shaking my hand back. "She knows." Colby says. "Fan?" Sam questions. "Well, kind of. I used to watch you both on Vine all the time, and I saw you guys today, but I couldn't recognize you. So I went up to Colby, and he helped me jog my memory." I explain. "And she asked for a picture, so I suggested we go look for you. I guess we got so caught up in conversation, that we completely forgot about you." Colby adds, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh jeez." Sam chuckles. "So, it is alright if I have a picture, right?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah totally." Sam says with a smile. I hand Colby my phone, since he was the tallest, and we take the picture.

All three of us talk for a while, getting to know eachother a bit, until Sam and Colby tell me that they have to go.

"Hey, Colby, it's 3:45, we gotta get going soon." Sam informs. "Oh, shit really? Damn, okay." Colby says. "Alright, well Jordan, Sam and I gotta go meet up with a friend, but it was really nice meeting you." Colby says with a smile. "Yeah, definitely." Sam adds happily. "Oh, alright then. Well it's been great meeting you two. I had fun talking." I say with a smile. "Me too. Well, guess we'll see you around maybe?" Colby questions. "Maybe." I say. "Alright, well it was nice meeting you guys, have a nice rest of your day." I say with a smile, walking away. "You too!" Sam calls, the both of them waving back at me with a kind smile.

I spent at least another hour at the beach, just having fun, thinking to myself, until I decided to head back home. I grabbed all my stuff, and started to walk back to the car.

On my way back, I noticed a small, brown, square laying in the sand. I looked at it for a bit, until I realized that it was a wallet. Oh, shit. I thought to myself. I picked it up and opened it to see who it belonged to, only to realize that it was Colby's wallet. Who carries their wallet with them when they're on a beach? I thought to myself. I realized that both him and Sam were probably long gone, so I'd just return it sometime tomorrow. I looked closer at the driver's license, to see the adress. "Oh, that's not far from my apartment." I say to myself. "Yeah, I'll return it tomorrow." I say. I held onto his wallet, and started walking back up to my car.

Once I got to my car, I put all my stuff back in the trunk, and put the wallet with me in the front seat. I got home a while later, thankfully the traffic wasn't as bad. Once I got home, I put the wallet on my kitchen counter, and headed into my bathroom to shower.

The rest of the day I kept thinking about Colby and Sam. They were both super cool, attractive, funny, interesting, kind, they were awesome. But there was something about Colby, that made me not want them to leave. I didn't know what it was, all I knew is that I was excited to return his wallet tomorrow, so I could see him again by chance.

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