Chapter 7

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I sat in the waiting room rocking back and for in the chair with Nicola hugging me and Nadine kept crying out the blue before being hugged a million times by Sarah, I sat there just staring into space thinking of what was going to happen if I lost Cheryl.

"Miss Walsh I'm so sorry but there isn't anymore we can do, I'm sorry." The nurse said appearing from the room, I looked down and burst into tears crying uncontrolably in Nicola's arms, at one point I felt like I was going to be sick. I must have collapsed at that point because when I woke up I was lying on the floor. "You can go in and see her Miss Walsh I think it would be wise." The nurse said opening the door to Cheryl's room. I walked in and saw her lying on the bed looking tiny with all sorts of wires coming out of her tiny body, I walked over to her bed and took her hand in mine tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Cheryl? Babe if you can hear me please don't go! I can't go on without you babe! Please babe don't go we still have a tour to do and we won't be Girls Aloud without you! If you go no will ever call the time I spend with them Kimba Time which I love! Cheryl please don't go I want to be with YOU! I want to grow old with YOU! When I get married I want to marry YOU! If I have kids I want kids with YOU! Cheryl please babe stay because guess what Chezza I'm madly in love with YOU and I have been for years!" I wept holding onto her hand tightly not wanting to let go.

"I-want-to-marry-you-too-Kimba." I heard Cheryl mumble quietly from beside me. "And-don't-even-think-of-me-leaving-you!" she added smiling weakly.

"CHERYL! YOU'RE OK! YOU'RE ALIVE! And do you really?" I asked suprised that she wanted to get married too.

"Haha of course Kimba I'm not leaving you or the fans!" She chuckled softly opening her eyes a tiny bit.

"Cheryl I fuckin' love you baby!" I squealed placing a soft kiss on her lips, I kissed her like I had never kissed her before and I held her close.

"I love you too Kimba!" Cheryl said once we pulled away.

"Miss Walsh what is going on in here?" The nurse asked walking in once we had pulled away.

"She's ok! My Chezza Bear is ok! See!" I squealed pointing at Cheryl who waved slightly still smiling.

"But how!?" The nurse asked us shocked.

"Lets say it's because I don't want to go and I still have some unfinished buisness I need to do which won't be finished for a few years!" Cheryl said smiling weakly squeezing my hand tight.

"Okay well I'll need to examine her so if you could just wait outside please Miss Walsh." The nurse said smiling at me.

"GIRLIES SHE'S OK!!!!" I squealed jumping up and down hugging all the girls not even noticing Nadine and Sarah secretly snogging each others faces off. "SHE'S NOT DEAD!"

"Really!?!?" Nicola asked suprised once we pulled away.

"Really really!" I squealed. "AND SHE EVEN WANTS TO GET MARRIED!" I added jumping up and down.

"WAIT WHAT??" all three girls asked me shocked when I mentioned 'married' to them.

"It's nothing just forget I ever said that!" I mumbled hurrying off into the room before turning bright red.

*Nicola's POV*

Me and the other two girls stood in shock at what Kimberley had just told us.

"No way did Kim just say they wanna get married!" Sarah said in shock.

"They aren't even going out!!" I said sitting down again.

"Mabey they are Nic! Plus I think it's cute! Would that be your reaction if Sarah asked me to marry her?" Nadine asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well of course not because I know you two are dating!" I said nervous.

"Oi since when did we agree we are gonna get married!?!?" Sarah asked Nadine looking her straight in the eyes.

"HINT HINT BABE! HINT HINT!" Nadine hinted smiling at Sarah. "Plus Nic don't jump to conclusions babe, they'll make sure they are 100% sure that they will wanna get married or not!" Nadine said hugging me tight.

"Yeah I guess you're right Nadz I really shouldn't think of it any different." I sighed before walking over to the little cafe to get a small coffee, I just hoped Kimba and Chezza would make the right decision in life and I really wish hope they don't get married.

"Nic are you ok? You got over here really quick babe." Sarah said appearing next to me.

"Saz I like Kimba!" I said frowning.

"Aww cute!" Sarah said sitting next to me.

"No Sarah I like like Kimberley!" I said getting annoyed.

"Huh?" Sarah asked confussed.

"Look Sarah I don't want them to get married because I really like Kimberley!" I said letting everything out unaware Kimberley had just walked in.

"You what Nicola?" Kimberley asked shocked and suprised, I quickly got up and I ran to the bathroom and burst into tears.

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