Chapter 4

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"Ok never have I ever snogged a girl." Nicola slurred from beside me. I downed my shot along with Nadine, Sarah and of course Cheryl.

"Ooh Cheryl! Spill!" Sarah said pointing at Cheryl, I looked at her nervously wondering what she was gonna say.

"Oh well um I was upset and I like this girl and I don't know what came over me but I just kissed her but she told me if I hadn't kissed her she would of kissed me." She said smiling at me.

"Who was it?" Sarah asked. "You all know who I kissed!" She added hugging Nadine.

"Yeah well that's because you kiss her infront of us! And I don't think the person I kissed would like me to tell you as you know her and she said it's supposed to be our secret." Cheryl answered smiling at me again, Nadine suddenly gasped and pointed at Cheryl then me and then Cheryl again.

"You kissed Kimberley!" She gasped covering her mouth pointing at us both, the other girls gasped as if it was something bad and I didn't know why they were so shocked! We were bound to at one point yeah we had gotten in a huge fight when we took the break and we had only decided to start talking before this final tour had been decided but every friendship has fights in them. I looked over at Cheryl who was tearing up, she got up and dashed out the room and ran upstairs, I got up and went after her leaving the others still in shock.

*Cheryl's POV*

I ran up the stairs and ran straight to my room and burst into tears, I can't believe what had just happend! They were so shocked by it which really upset me! They know me and Kimba are best friends again I don't understand why they have to act so stupid! It makes me feel bad as it was my fault we got into a fight and it brings back so many bad memorises.

"Cheryl?" Kimberley asked opening the door slightly.

"Just go away Kimberley!" I wept into the pillow, the room was only filled by the light of a moon ray passing through the curtains, Kimberley crept over to the bed and sat next to me before taking me into her arms hugging me tight.

"What's up?" She asked wiping away the tears running down my cheeks.

"They all seemed so shocked! It was gonna happen sooner or later and it made me think of the fight we had it was as if they thought we still hate each other!" I wept into her shoulder as she pulled me closer.

"Aw Cheryl! Don't worry about it babe I was suprised they were shocked aswell but it's fine Cheryl and they did seem guilty when you left and I did to." Kimberley said her voice low and husk which made me zone out completely!

I was deep in thought of what Kimberley had just said when my thoughts were disturbed by someone kissing me hard on the lips. It took me a few seconds to realise the lips were Kimberley's and she was holding me close, I held the back of her neck to deepen the kiss and I could feel her tugging at my top.

"Having fun girls?" Sarah asked from behind us with a raised eyebrow, we pulled away quickly and I sorted out my top.

"Sarah knock next time!" I huffed as she had barged in yet again on something I was enjoying for a moment. "I keep telling you! Remember that time where you walked in on me and Ashley?" I asked my heart sinking as I knew it hurt Kimberley whenever mentioned his name.

"Ugh don't remind me!" She answered shaking as she remembered that she had walked in on me and Ashley having fun. "It was disgusting!" she added turning pale.

"I thought it would have taught you not to walk in on people!" I said trying not to laugh.

"Cheryl I walked in on Ashley banging you!" She answered turning even more plae before dashing off to the bathroom where I heard her throw up.

"Nadine! Your soul mate is throwing up!" I called down the stairs.

"Cheryl I'm already with her!" She called from the bathroom, Nadine and Sarah could always tell when the other was ill or hurt. "Aw babe right lets get you some water." She said taking Sarah by the hand leading her downstairs as she whimpered softly, Nadine and Sarah are normally ill together and Sarah takes care of Nadine but today it was Nadine's turn.

"Thanks Diney." Sarah said resting her head on Nadine's shoulder as we walked back into the living room.

"Girls I'm so sorry!" Nadine said hugging us both. "I didn't mean to make you cry Cheryl." she added feeling upset.

"Hey Nadz it's fine." I said hugging her along with Kimberley.

"Right lets go to bed." Nicola yawned.

"I might stay up for a bit ya know."  Kimberley said clearing up the glasses.

"Ok." I yawned eyeing up Kimberley, I had hoped tonight would be fun and I knew she had been thinking the same thing.

*Kimberley's POV*

I walked into the kitchen when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

"Hey again beautiful!" Cheryl said kissing my shoulder making me blush.

"Hey Chezza." I replied getting butterflies again.

"Kimba I was wondering had you thought tonight was gonna be fun?" She asked me as I spun around, I was shocked at how she knew I had hoped we woukd have some fun.

"Yes I did!" I let the words slip out of my mouth unable to stop myself.

"Oh so we're on the same boat!" Cheryl replied winking at me, I pulled her in for another kiss and held her close I felt her slip one hand down my trousers and fiddle with the rim of the thong I was wearing, I felt myself becoming wetter.

"Chezza lets go somewhere more private! One of the others might walk in on us!" I giggled as she kissed my neck.

"Ok!" She said dragging me up the stairs, it lookes like I'm gonna get my fun tonight like I had hoped!

Chim - What happened last night?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora