Chapter 6

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*Nicola's POV*

I saw Sarah's hand in Nadine pocket and smiled, they would make one hell of a cute couple! I walked past Sarah and cleared my throat before smiling showing I had seen her hand in Nadine's pocket.

"Who cares if we slept together we were drunk that's all." Cheryl muttered looking at her phone.

"Alouders Cheryl Alouders!" I said pointing at an edit one fan had made taking the micky out of how the picture had been taken.

"So it's just a joke to them!" She answered angry.

"Cheryl we can't go on pretending it's a joke forever! It will be found out one way or another!" Kimberley sighed walking out the room.

"Ugh I give up!" Cheryl huffed walking out leaving me alone with Nadine and Sarah.

"I saw your hand by the way Sarah!" I chuckled smirking at them both.

"What?" Sarah asked confussed.

"In Nadine pocket, I saw your hand there! It was so cute!" I squealed checking my phone.

"I wonder why Cheryl is so pissed off?" Nadine asked daydreaming.

"Haha Diney! Snap out of daydreaming!" Sarah chuckled softly shaking her gently  as she shook her head.

"W-w-what!? Where'd Kimba go?" Nadine asked coming back to reality.

"In a mood with us and Chezza." I answered still checking my phone. "God there are so many notifications it's unreal!!!" I said scrolling through my twitter notifications, it's amazing how much people tweet you when you're offline or tweet one thing.

"How can you put up with so many notifications?" Nadine asked checking her phone, she doesn't get as many but once she's online her notifications blow up. "Ugh stupid press spreading more shit around! If they're going to I don't want to be tagged in it!" She muttered annoyed.

"What is it babe?" Sarah asked looking over shoulder, I frowned as I had also been tagged in it and I saw the hateful comments some people were posting about Nadine, they clamied to be Alouders but yet when I went on their profiles it was all Soldier based. 

"I'd ignore twitter a few days! There is gonna be a huge fight between Soldiers and Divas!" I suggested noticing some already had.

"Cheryl is going to be so pissed off with me!" Nadine muttered looking at the tabel her eyes filling with tears.

"Girls come here!" I heard Kimberley call from the living, we dashed in and saw she was very pale.

"What is it?" I asked, she gave me her phone and I read the tweet. "What the actual fuck!" I shouted.

@JustinScott: @KimberleyJWalsh medt me at costa tomorrow morning 8AM sharp! And don't bring the girls or else Walshy!

"Don't go Kim!" Nadine gasped after reading the message off Justin.

"Look girls I'm gonna go I want to know what he's on about!" Kimberley replied annoyed.

*Kimberley's POV*

I woke up early the next morning and stuck to the plan me and the girls had arranged the night before.

"Look Kimba babe don't worry!" Cheryl said kissing my cheek gently. I walked into Costa and sat opposite Justin.

"Took your time!" He growled.

"Sorry Hillary was talking to me." I lied getting scared and nervous.

"Listen here Walshy you have a choice, meet me behind here next week at 9PM with £200k or I tell every Alouder about you sleeping with Cheryl!" He said looking at me.

"How do you know about me and Cheryl?" I blurted.

"Oh Kimberley you really are thick! I know everything Walshy." He answered flashing me an evil grin. He threw a brown bag at me and I looked inside and pulled out what was inside the bag, I gasped when I saw that they were pictures of when me and Cheryl and slept together the night before.

"How did you get these?" I asked scared, I held my phone tight ready to hit the send button.

"Oh Kimberley, Kimberley, Kimberley, let's just say I know a few paps and they'll do anything for a bit of cash that involves taking pics of celebs." He answered still smiling, I hit send and felt I tiny bit better.

"Guys go go go!" Nicola said jumping out the car follwed by police.

"Mr Justin Scott you are under arrest for harrassment and stalking! You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be used against you in court, if you cannot afford a lawyer we will provide one for you." one of the officers said as they ran in and pushed Justin up against the wall.

"C'mon Kimba!" Cheryl said. As I was running over to her there was a loud bang and I realised it was a gun shot, I looked over at Cheryl who clutched her side before dropping on to her knees and fell on the floor.

"CHERYL!" I screamed running over to her tears in my eyes. "Cheryl wake up please Cheryl! Chezza please! C'mon baby wake up!" I said shaking Cheryl's shoulder.

"Miss Walsh please step aside a minute!" A police officer said removing my arms from Cheryl's tiny waist.

"Please don't die Cheryl!" I wept running over to Nicola hugging her tight, I noticed Nadine was also in tears. "Can you make sure non of the press find out please?" I asked knowing if the press knew I would have a thousand questions fired at me every minute of the day.

"Of course Miss Walsh." One of the officers said running outside npticing a few paps had turned up.

"Look girls she'll be alright. She's a soldier so keep calm and soldier on for her guys." I sniffled pulling them into a group hug, I knew Cheryl was a fighter and wouldn't give up.

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