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A/N: MJ!



There was a time called youth

Where our dreams forgotten lay,

When this world's a shining gem

And heaven never far away.

'Twas then we cringed and cowered

At our own early fears;

When our eyes were wet with morning dew

But they were ever free of tears.

Then, there's no such thing as Heaven

Nor the sordid flames of Hell.

When of sorrow we nothing knew

And when we laughed as mankind fell.

We heeded not the systems then

For hard work never mattered;

When cried we not at what is real

Yet our dreaming was unfettered.

When this world's not but chasms, ruins,

But a world of song and flower;

When we lived for peace and rapture

And never died for power.

Long before our thoughts and notions

We did at highest pulpits preach;

There was a time we youth does call

When rev'ries were within our reach.

When we clashed never into schism

And declared never wars;

When our existence's but a pray'r

Angels etch'd upon the stars.

But alas, years pile up

And move on to what riddle lies ahead--

To further times, to further times unread.

Yet remained the dream of youth

A time long before this life we trod--

A time all spent upon the breast of God.

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