Once Upon A Paper

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A/N: As usual, dedicated to ScarletBlazingSoul: one of those who admired my poor works legitimately.


Once upon a paper, frail and brittle

My inked craft took wing and flew;

I unfolded the soul in every riddle

And lodged my heart in every tittle

From which forth I music drew.

Once upon a paper, I vainly tried

To escape the clutches of despair

And the hounding sorrow down the deep inside

To which long enough I've not replied

And etched my worries on the air.

Once upon a paper, I gave my sound

Long subdued, long unheard from, way.

Way on which my dreams to found

Where finds mind and heart a common ground

Or where the night reconciles with day.

Once upon a paper, quiet, dead,

I wrote eagerly and held my breath;

As my weary plume with black tears bled

Out I sobbed the hate unsaid

And at ease became with death.

Messages from My SoulOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant