Chapter 1: She's WHAT?

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Dr. Drakken rushed into the room his second in command, Shego, was occupying in his latest hide-out.

"Egad, Shego!" cried Dr. Drakken. "I'm so brilliant this time, I amaze even myself!"

"Uh-huh… Right, Dr. D" said Shego, in her most bored voice. She continued sharpening the claw tips built into her gloves. "You've finally learned to put the toilet seat down in the bathroom."

"Ye… NO!" snapped Dr. Drakken. "It's nothing like that at all! I've just figured out how to make it impossible for even Kim Possible to derail my latest plan for world conquest!"

"Going to derail it yourself, doc?" suggested Shego. "Anyway, what's your plan this time? Dehydrate the members of the UN Council?"

"No!" said Dr. Drakken. "Actually, I haven't come up with another plan to take over the world yet. But I do have a plan to remove the Kim factor from the equation."

"And that would be?" drawled Shego. Kim and her friend Ron had foiled so many of Drakken's plans, she was sure his latest plan would fail also. Still, Drakken was the one paying her.

"It's a surprise!" gloated Drakken. "But I will need a few items. First:"

"OW!" yelped Shego. "What's that for?"

Drakken held up the small hypodermic needle, full of Shego's blood. "Just a sample… call it a baseline. Now, I'm also going to need…."

"This had better not be some plan to mind control me." muttered Shego as she rubbed her arm where the needle had gone in. Sometimes, she swore, the only reason she put up with Drakken was the money. Well, that and the chance to lock horns with Kim Possible.


Kim and Ron set at their usual table in the Buenos Nachos restaurant. Rufus was on the table, eating up a vegetable burrito called a 'Dilberitto'. Also on the table was Kim's Kimmunicator, showing an image of Wade.

"What could Dr. Drakken want with all this stuff he's been stealing?" asked Kim. "High tech genetics equipment, retrovirus manufacturing equipment…"

"And don't forget Dr. Feliz's medical records" said Wade over the Kimmunicator. "I'd be worried about one of your arch enemies having your complete medical records."

"Whoa, hold the phone." said Ron. "You don't go to Dr. Samuel's any more? Kim, we've gone to Dr. Samuels for YEARS!"

"Yeah, since we were kids." said Kim. "He's a children's doctor."

"Booyah!" agreed Ron. "That's why he's got the BEST collection of comic books in his waiting room of any doctor in town."

"Well, Dr. Feliz is better for… women's issues." said Kim.

"Say no more." said Ron. "If you put your health before comic books, there's nothing else I can say."

"Comics!" said Rufus. "Yay!"

"Come on, guys." said Kim. "We need to figure out what Dr. Drakken and Shego are up to."

"Oooh, maybe he's trying to grow an army of Kim-clones." said Ron.

"Uh-uh." said Wade. "I thought about that, but while he's having Shego steal a lot of equipment for DNA modification, there haven't been any thefts of any sort of growing tanks. So while he might be able to copy Kim's DNA, or even make the DNA for some sort of Kim-Monster, there's no way he could actually grow it."

"All right, enough talk about Kim-Monsters" said Kim. "We need to figure out what Drakken is planning so we can stop it and him."

"Looks like you're going to have your chance to ask him directly, guys." said Ron. "I've just got a report of another break in… and Shego and Drakken are both there."

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