ch.26 more plans and escape's

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Kais point of view

"So does everyone understand the plan?" I asked hopeing everyone understood the plan because I didint want to explain it again. "Yep. We all got it." I smiled and nodded. "Good." Garmadon than walked up to us. "Than let's start training. Something tells me the fight is going to be soon." I nodded. "I would say, a couple days from now. Again, dont ask... the blade is a mysterious object that I dont even understand." I stated. Garmadon nodded. "Than so be it. Everyone must train has hard as they can. We only have one chance to get this right and that chance is close." He stated. Everyone nodded and started heading to the training grounds. Pixel walked over to me. "Are you sure this plan is going to work?" I looked it over. "It should. Even if she has a new surprise for us... I also have one of my own." I said looking up at the fusion dragon. Pixel nodded. "Common.  Let's go train like Garmadon said." I nodded and grabbed the fusion blade. We both started heading to the training grounds for another hard day of training.

3rd person point of view

"So that's the plan. You both understand." Aspheera asked pythorand nadakhan. "Ohhh I see. This isint going to be the final battle is it?" Nadakhan stated. Aspheera laughed. "Of course not! I stand no chance against that fire ninja alone... not even with the elemental eater. Our goal is for us to put up enough of a fight to make it seem like we lost... than when the time comes you both come get me out of prison... after all... we still need our little ember and a spark for our plan to be set." Pythor laughed. "These ninja have no clue what we're planning. They will fall right into our trap. I've been slowly gathering fellow enemies of the ninja explaining our plan and so far not a single one of them has refused out offer." He stated. Aspheera smiled. "Good... soon ninjago will see how strong there petty little heros actually are, when we all take the throne and ninjago!" Aspheera laughed. Than  turned towards nadakhan. "Has chen given us the total of vengstone yet that we got from the skull sorcerer?" Nadakhan nodded. "We have more than enough for the prisoners and cells. They shouldn't be able to escape once we get them." Aspheera nodded pleased. "And how is the spell going pythor?" He smiled. "Its going just as planned. Once the ninja think there fellow friends are dead I will do as i must and distract them so nadakhan can grab our prize, unnoticed." He stated. "Than if everything is going according to plan. Than were almost done Faze one." Aspheera stated in a dark sinister tone. "Indeed" pythor stated leaving the room with nadakhan and aspheera right behind him.

Lloyd's point of view

"So non of us know how to get out of here?" Cole sighed. "Unfortunately not.. this rooms impenetrable." I looked around at everyone. We all went silent until jay spoak up from the other side of the room. "Hey guys!" He said. I looked up at him. He was acrossed the room as the door. "What jay?" Cole asked annoyed. "They left the door unlocked?!" Jay stated. Everyone popped up and went over to the door. It opened easily. "Hes right." Cole closed the door. "Now we just need to find our way out without being noticed. Nia nodded. "Shouldn't be too hard. We managed to find the way out easily before." She stated. I nodded. "Alright then let's go!" We all snuck out of the room and started to sneak around the hallways. "Where is everyone?" Nia whispered. I nodded. We continued to walk through the halls and managed to find our way outside. "That was weird. Not a single snake in sight?!" I nodded. "Coles right  that cant be a good sign." The others nodded. "Now it's time for the hard part. Finding our friends." We all jumped on our dragons and flew away as silently as we could. "Its nice to be out of that cage." Jay stated. We all nodded in agreement. "Nia. Can you try contacting pixel?" Zane asked. Nia nodded. "I cant try." She turned on her intercom. "Pixel? Can you hear me?" No one answered. "We must be too far away from them..." nia stated sadly. I nodded. "Unfortunately so." We flew in silence for a bit. "Let's try to find a place to hide for the night. We will continue our surch tomorrow morning." Wu stated. I nodded. "Alright everyone. You heard wu." We flew down to the ground and started to surch for a safe place to hide. Once we all found a good place. We all decided to take night shifts while everyone else slept. Tomorrow is a new day. And hopefully where going to be able to find kai and the others before it's too late.

Yay! This chapter is done and let me just anounce this now!

Theres either one to three chapters left! Three chapters including the aftermath chapter or whatever idk what to call it. The chapter that would transition this book to the next book. But theres technically only two chapters left! Yay! I cant wait to write the next book so I can get to my favorite idea which is book 4! Cant wait to write that book!

Alright questions for this chapter

1. What do you think the villains plan actually is?

2. How do you think this will end?

3. Who do you think will be the last one standing at the end of this book?

Idk anymore ran out of questions XD

Anyway I hope your all enjoying this series. Cant wait for you all to see what I have planned for the future since I've been giveing hints the entire time.

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