ch.15 fusion blade

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Kais point of view

This cant be good! Where did they go?! I looked over at borg who was freaking out. "WHERE DID THEY GO! HOW DID THOSE SNAKES GET OUT SO FA-st." He lowered his voice once he realized something. "What is it borg? What's wrong?" Garmadon asked the man in the wheelchair. "Fallow me." We did as he said and he lead us to a room. "When you guys had me examine the time twins I noticed something different with there deaths." We all looked at each other than back at him. "And what may that be?" Misaco asked. Borg sighed. "It apears as if they were killed with some sort of dark energy... an energy source that is capable of many things. And if I'm correct that means." Borg pulled up his security camera. We watched as time seemed to speed up to catch the others off guard. Than they where gone. Borg looked like he was thinking. "What's wrong?" Pixel asked. He looked at us. "I think this has something to do with dark matter." We looked at each other. "Il sorry... what now?" I asked confused "Dark matter can refer to any substance which interacts predominantly via gravity with visible matter Hence in principle it need not be composed of a new type of fundamental particle but could, at least in part, be made up of standard baryonic matter, such as protons or neutrons". We all looked back and forth. "A more simple version." Misaco stated. ""What I think he is trying ti say is it apears that aspheera can only take the powers of people who are alive one at a time... but if she kills them with her dark magic... the powers of the victim become hers." Pixel said. We all nodded. "Ohhhh... that's not good." I said. "No it isn't, but we have to worrie about that later, we arnt safe here now that they know where we are." Misaco nodded nodded. "I agree with borg. We must find some other place to stay." Pixel spaok up again. "But where?" I nodded my agreement with pixel. Garmadon walked over to us. "I think I might have an idea. "But what about the others?" I asked. "We will have to hold off on them for now kai... at least until we get some help. Come. We must leave as soon as possible, you never know when they will return." I looked at pixel who nodded sadly. We both knew he was right. "Alright. Lead the way Garmadon." Misaco said grabbing onto Borges wheelchair.

Lloyd's point of view

I woak up on what felt like the ground. I sat up and looked around trying to make out my surroundings. We all were here, well almost all of us. The others who we told to escape must have gotten away. We were in this dungeon looking room exept it was a bit more lit up than normal. I looked around at the others making sure non of them were severely injured. Nothing but a few scratches and bruises. I head cole groan when he woak up and made my way over to him. "What happened? Where are we?" I helped him up. "We apear to be held captive by the pyro snakes." Cole groaned again. "Or course we are..." he mumbled annoyed.

It's been a few hours and we have started to look around to see if there was any aparent way out. "The walls are made of vengstone. Theres no way we're going to be able to use our powers to get out of here." Nia stated. Examining the walls. "The door seems solid too." Zane looked down and up. "The ground and ceiling are also made of vengstone. We wont be able to get out of here without outside help." Zane stated. "Well that means we will just have to wait for the others to get us out of here. Or at least until we get an opening of escape." Wu stated. We all nodded. "Ohhh I hope there ok." Nia said nervously. "I'm sure there fine Nia. Besides they have Garmadon and misaco with them. If any of them do get hurt they have someone to help them. And I'm 100% sure Garmadon would make sure aspheera didnt get her hands on them if it's the last thing he does." Cole stated. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah nia. My dad is kinda protective about that so they should be good..." I said rubbing the back of my neck. We all laughed at my comment. "Well it's nice to see that even in our darkest times you guys are able to keep smiling." Wu stated while sitting in his meditation position. "Nothing can get rid of my joyful spirit sensei!" Jay said joyfully. We all snickered at Jay's statement. "Your right buddy. I dont think anyone can." Cole stated patting him on the back.

Kais point of view

I looked up at the building infront of me. "Why here?" I asked looking at my faimlys old blacksmith shop. "Oh we're not staying here. We just came here to get the key to where we're going." I looked at Garmadon. "Why would the key be here?" He sighed. "You ask to many questions kai. Just help me find it please." I sighed and nodded. We both started to look through things until pixel triggered some sort of lever opening a hatch in the floor. She looked at me. "Dont look at me! I didn't know that was there!" I stated. Garmadon walked over to it and looked down and smiled. "There it is." He said. I walked over to him and saw what he was looking at. "That's the key?" He nodded. "It Is."
I looked back down at the key. "What's it called?" I asked him. "That kai, is the fusion blade."

And I'm done this chapter

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And I'm done this chapter. Sorry its shorter than normal but I honestly had no clue what to do for this chapter. I'm back to my predicament where I have to bring the characters to the next big step which means I need to write about there next course of action and stuff. Anyway thanks for reading.

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