ch.25 plans and fights

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Nias point of view

Once we were back in our impenetrable room made of vengstone I looked around at everyone to make sure everyone was ok. "I cant belive it... how did kai survive!?" Cole spoak up finally. We all looked at each other than we all looked at zane. "Not even I know the answer to that. I guess we would have to find that out later." He stated. Lloyd joined in on the conversation. "Zanes right. That's not important right now. We have to find a way out of here and help kai out." We all nodded. "Let's brainstorm. Speak up when you have an idea." I stated. Again everyone nodded and we separated into different areas of the room. I walked over to Wu and looked around with him for a bit before I noticed jay sitting in a corner in silence. Cole walked over to me. "Nya I think you should go tall to jay. Something is not right." He whispered to me and I nodded. I walked over to the blue ninja, sitting down next to him. "Hey Jay... you seem really quiet... is something bothering you?" I asked him. He sighed. "No. I'm fine nya. I think I'm just overreacting... but beside Apsheeras throne... there was a-" he went silent. "What jay? I didnt see anything beside her throne other than the two fingers." I stated. He sighed. "It was nothing. I think I'm just overreacting. Let's just help the others find a way out." He started to get up but I pulled him back down. "Jay. What did you see?" I asked him sternly. He sighed and stayed silent for a few moments before speaking up. "I saw a teapot that looked just like the one Nadakhan was trapped in." He stated bluntly. I sighed. "I'm sure it was just in your mind jay. Non of us saw that." Jay sighed. "Nia the others dont remember nadakhan! If they saw it they wouldn't know the significance of what it looked like or not so they didnt think anything of it. If you dont believe me ask them if they saw anything becouse I know what I saw." He growled at me angrily and got up walking away. Did I just make jay mad!? Hes never been mad t me other than that cole issue which was fixed years ago... maybe he did see something. I got up and walked over to Lloyd and zane. "Hi guys, random question. Did you guys happen to see anything that might be of use near aspheera's throne." I asked trying to seem less obvious. "I didn't see anything. Than again I was focused on aspheera." Lloyd stated looking at zane. "All I saw was this gold teapot with some strange engravings on it. I dont know why but I felt like I've seen it before but I dont know where." I gasped. "Jay was right..." they looked at me confused. I sighed. "The reason you felt like you saw the teapot before zane is because you have. You guys dont really remember what happened but that teapot holds a very danger villain. He nearly won but jay managed to beat him... unfortunately jay and I are the only ones who remember what happened with that whole experience. Look, I cant tell you everything now but all I can tell you is this guy is strong and very tricky. Dont fall for anything he says. When he says something its mostly a lie. It was very rare that he was actually telling the truth." They looked at me shocked for a moment and nodded. "Also another thing. Dont. Tell. Anyone. About this conversation. Were not 100% sure its him yet but I dont want to couse a panick. Ima go tell jay he must have been seeing things to calm his nerves. We dont need him panicked at this exact moment ok." Again they nodded not saying a word. I nodded and left them and walked over to jay. "Hey jay..." I said again. He looked at me a bit annoyed. "What do you want nya?" He growled. "Look I talked with the others and they all said they didnt see anything. I know your anoyed but jay you definitely were just seeing things. Maybe its because of the lack of water and food mixed with all the stress your going through that made imagine it becouse its ok one of your worst fears... but hes gone jay. Hes not comming back." Jay stayed silent for a moment before turning around and looked at me. "How can you be sure?" He asked, I looked at him shocked at his voice as it trembled. What did nadakhan do to scare him this much. "I-... I cant... but Jay I'm going off what we know... and I know that, that teapot wasn't there. Hes not back and shouldn't ever come back... and... if he does... we know how to deal with him now.. it shouldn't be too hard." He looked down than back up at me. "Yeah... I guess your right... I guess all the stress has been getting to me more than I thought." He chuckled. I smiled and giggled at his comment. "Theres my spark plug." I said smiling. He laughed at the name. "Spark plug! I like that name." He said smiling. "Now common let's go help the others before they start to ask questions." I said. He nodded.. "yeah we definitely dont want that!" He said skipping over to them. I sure do hope where just imagining things, or that teapot is just a fake.

Kais point of view

I stood next to queen vania waiting for the other elemental masters to arive. They were estimated to arive today or Tomorrow. Let's hope we were right. Almost just on que a gard walked into the building with all the elemental masters behind him. "Queen vania. May I present to you, the elemental masters of ninjago." She nodded. "Thank you general. You may go now." The general nodded. She looked at me and I stepped down. "Soooo hey guys sorry to call you guys on a such short notice." I stated. Griffin laughed. "No problem. As long as it has nothing to do with those...." he looked back and forth at the small groups of us who knew who he was talking about. He looked back at me. "Time deceivers. Than we should be fine." I laughed. "Well I promise you it has nothing to do with them. Also to ease your worries there kinda dead now so they shouldn't bug you guys anymore." I stated. They all looked relieved. Well most elemental masters looked confused but didnt say anything. "I called you all here to ask you guys for help. This evil serpent names aspheera plans on taking over ninjago and has kidnapped all my friends. She has a whole pyro snake army and is extremely dangerous. These snakes are able to take someones power temporarily but only one at a time so j would suggest being careful about them." I stated. They all gasped. "And you need our help becouse?" Griffin asked. "We need your help becouse we cant hold off an entire army ourselves and I would most lickly me fighting Apsheera on my own." Garmadon interrupted me. "And who said you would be doing that." I sighed knowing I would have to explain this to them. I looked back at him grabbing the fusion blade. "When we were in the fusion temple I read the inscriptions on the walls." I started off talking sternly towards my teacher. "It stated that the fusion blade was made specifically for the fight between aspheera and A fire element, it was made by my father but he was never able to use it becouse Apsheera chucked him off a cliff. And since I am the only one capable of using the fusion blade I'm the one who has to fight aspheera! I intend on useing the fusion blade as it was made and that's it! This blade if used too much could kill the weilder so I have to be careful but it's our only shot at winning since aspheera not only had my powers but also has the crystal of fire and water in her posession and knows where comming. Dont ask me how I know this, i just know. This blade does much more than its shown." I stated in a very stern voice. Garmadon didnt say a word. He just looked at me shocked at how serious I was about fighting her alone... than he stepped back letting me continue. "That's why we need you guys to help." I stated looking at the other elemental masters. They nodded. "We will help the best we can." Nearo stated. I smiled. "Thanks guys. Anyways I have a plan."

Tick tock tick tock time is running down on the clock!

This book is literally only a few chapters at most from ending and I plan on revealing who the next book to this series is about very soon along with the book cover and name. Feel free to take some guesses. Also I hope all of you enjoyed the jaya moment becouse I thought it was needed and I also want to state that greenflame will happen but i think it's just going to be hints of greenflame until i start writing Lloyd's part of the series. I plan on writing at least on book on everyone in an order so yeah... it might be a bit before we see that. Sorry.

Anyway the questions for this chapter.

Umm... do you guys think jay is overreacting?

What do you think kais plan is

Who do you think the next book will be about? (I'm sure its obvious by now but idk maybe its not)

And finally

Who do you think would really win this battle?

That's all for this extra long chapter today... its litterly almost 2000 words and I normally only have 1000 words per chapter! So feel lucky. Also I'm proud of myself I'm updating again!

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