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The dragonflies you were riding shot through the wind like darts.  We were looking for some sign of Emilia. You, Kipo, Wolf, Benson, and his boyfriend Troy had all come to help save the mutes that had been kidnapped. Your heart still felt like it was racing at the fear of what they were doing to Jamack.

"There!" Wolf pointed in the distance, You followed the direction she was gesturing to. You spotted a large cruise ship that was traveling through the ocean. The dragonflies began to buzz and shake with irritation, realizing that Emilia must be using some machine to get rid of all the mutes in the area.

You try to fly the dragonfly as close as it can to the ship before dropping off it and grabbing the side of the ship. The dragonfly shot off in the opposite direction to get away quickly.

The others followed and we all watched from the side of the ship. You saw all your people from your burrow having...fun? This came as a surprise to you. Emilia was evil, how could all your friends and neighbors be having fun?

There were water slides and pools upon the deck that looked tempting to go play in, but you must resist. They all continued to play and have fun until a speaking all called them to go inside.

Once everyone had left, you all snuck onto the ship. "Let's split up! We'll cover more ground that way," Wolf whispered as everyone else nodded.

Benson and Troy split off together whilst Kipo, Wolf, and You split off in different directions.

You searched the top deck and peered through windows. "Jamack. Jamack," You whispered, hoping he would reply. No answer came.

You eventually stumbled across a door that read: 'KEEP OUT' in bold letters. You reached for the door handle and attempted to turn it, it was locked. Great.

"Guys! Over here!" You try to stay quiet as you call your friends over. No one could really hear you too well though.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke from behind you. You turned around in shock to find Doag, Hoag's daughter. She wore a bright pink jumpsuit and wore her blonde hair up in a high ponytail.

"Doag! It's me, Y/N!" You whisper. Her eyes widen in realization.

"You're not supposed to be here. Emilia said those mutes did some crazy stuff to your brain," she explained.

"I understand but we aren't the bad guys! Emilia has kidnapped our friends, we need your help to open this door!" You whisper.

Kipo and Wolf run up from behind you, You suppose they heard the commotion and ran over. "Doag?" Kipo looked at her.

"I'm gonna tell my dad about this, Emilia isn't evil. She would never kidnap people," Doag crossed her arms.

"Don't tell your dad! Could you just open this door?"  Kipo asked desperately, "If you do we can show you what we're talking about."

Doag thought for a moment, putting on a serious face before smiling at you, "Okay!"

Doag tried rattling the door handle for a few seconds before letting out a tired sigh. "I can't do it, too hard."

Benson and Troy eventually managed to find us around then and Troy pulled out a paperclip to open the door and you sprinted into the room before anyone else could step foot. You ran down some metal stairs and reached the floor of the room where you found multiple glass prisons full of familiar mutes.

"Y/N," You spotted Jamack and he smiled at you from behind a thick wall of glass. Your lips curved into a smile and your eyes welled up with tears of joy.

"Jamack!" You ran over and placed your hands on the glass as Jamack did the same.

"Miss me?" He smirked.

"You're such a dork!" You laughed with tears running down your face.

Kipo jump on top of the glass boxes and opened the metal hatches on top. Jamack hopped out and you immediately wrapped your arms around him tightly. Jamack hugged you back with one hand rubbing the back of your head through your (H/C) hair

"Did they hurt you?" You asked quietly.

"No, not really," Jamack reassures you, "Boom Boom on the other hand seems bad. Really bad. Emilia has done the most tests on her."

"Tests?" Kipo asks.

"We'll tell you about it later, but we need to get out now," Jamack says. Kipo nods and leads the other mutes out.

You look back and find Boom Boom staring at a desk covered in needles. She seems traumatized and scared. She holds out a canister of explosive nectar.

"No, Wait!" Kipo yells as the whole room blows up with smoke.

(This one was rushed, sorry. I'm trying my best to keep up with writing the story. Forgive me. Sorry again.)

Jamack x Reader Part 2 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now