Chapter 11: I Missed You.

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New Message: hey bro, want to go to target with me? I need laundry detergent.

I groan rolling around in bed, Ashley did say she needed tampons.

yeah. I'll pick you up.

I'm wearing sweatpants and a white tank top, I don't change just throw a matching jacket on.

"So.. how's the girlfriend?" Kade asks.

"You know, chillin." I avoid the topic. "What ever happened to that girl who looked at you with sparkles in her eyes?"


My hold on the steering wheel tightens, "I don't know who you're talking about."

I know exactly who he's talking about, her gaze made me feel something, it felt good.

"You know! the one who was way out of your league!"

"We don't talk anymore."

"Damn, I thought you were smarter than that."

"What're you talking about?"

"She made you happier."

It makes me upset because I know he's right, I don't say anything anymore. I just get out of the car and walk ahead.

Kade goes where he needs to while I look for the tampons. It takes awhile but I finally find the aisle. There's a worker restocking but I can't see her face since her backs facing me.

her hair is just as long as y/n's used to be, maybe a little longer but it's a different color.

Jesus Matthew, focus. I look away and scan through all of the boxes.

After about five minutes of looking I feel someone tap on my shoulder, "I recommend these, they seem popular amongst girls."

I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Y/n!?" I turn a little to fast causing my back to crash into the boxes and they topple over.

I bend down to get them along with y/n who's laughing. "Jeez you're that scared of me?"

I freeze and watch her laugh, my chest squeezes at her smile. "Y-Your hair.." She looks different but it looks.. pretty.


"I got bored and dyed it." she shrugs. We finally stand and place the boxes back but I can't stop staring. "Does it look that bad..?" she smiles nervously.

"No! it looks great.. I just," Missed you.

"—think you look different."

"Well you look like shit."

"Ouch." I smile but she seems worried and reaches out for me.

her hands cup my face gently, I let her. "You have dark circles, and you're paler then usual.. are you sick?"

without thinking I close my eyes and lean into her touch Its been awhile since I slept, her hands are soft and I could stand there forever..

Until I realize how wrong this looks and open my eyes. My breath catches at the way she's looking at me.

"the one who looked at you with sparkles in her eyes."

I try to calm myself by pulling away. "Uhm.. I'm fine. which ones did you recommend?"

she seems to snap out of it too. "Oh, right!" y/n scoots in front of me. I almost forgot how calming her scent was.

"These." she hands them to me and I nod clearing my throat. "Thanks.."

"Yo! I've been looking for you..." Kade trails off as he stares at me and y/n. She moves to create some distance between us.

It surprises me, she never liked leaving my side.

"Do I know you?"

"I'm y/n, you made breakfast for me once."

Kades eyes light up, "You're the girl who had a crush on Matthew!"

she nods with a blush of embarrassment, "That's me! Just no more feelings.."

but if that's true why'd you stare at me like that?

"Oh right! when you finish paying I need to give you something." she smiles.

It's not the flirty smile that made my stomach feel funny, but a polite smile that tells me she means no harm.

We pay for our things before following y/n out to the parking lot. "Woah.. you bought a car?"

"About time right? the busses can't take me everywhere." she says as she grabs something from the backseat. It's a large gift bag that comes with a card.

"Let me just.." she rips the card off and hands me the bag. "I wrote embarrassing things back then." she explains when I raise a brow.

The blush is still on her face as she smiles, "Happy late birthday, we stopped talking before I could give this to you and I didn't want to throw it away so.. yeah!"


"You really went overboard with the gifts." Kade smirks. "I know I did, i'm sorry if it's creepy." she says fidgeting nervously.

"ITS NOT!" y/n jumps at my loud voice, I clear my throat. "I- I mean it's nice so, thank you."

she nods awkwardly then waves. "Okay, I've got to head back now. Bye bye!"

I watch her enter the store again then look at Kade. He's already staring at me, his eyes tell me that he knows something I don't.


When we get back to the car I finally look inside the gift bag.

It's full of my favorite stuff, a huge bag of gummy's, the walking dead plushie of my favorite character, a coupon for my favorite sushi restaurant and the second part of Robots vs Aliens.

"You were frowning before we got here and now your smiling." Kade laughs. "She really did know you huh?"

"Yeah.. she did." Ba-dump!

I put the gifts back in carefully and start the car.

"It's too bad she doesn't love you anymore." ba-dump, ba-dump!

"Y/n never loved me, it was just a crush." Kade sighs and leans back in his seat.

"You loved her too, you're just too much of an idiot to realize it."


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