Chapter 6

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Hannah sighed to herself as she got to work. Hannah knew that things were a complicated mess when it came to Simon and she was trying her best and knew that she needed to stay away from him. Hannah walked into the staffroom and yawned as esme walked in

"what's up with you is hector keeping you up?" Esme asked as Hannah looked to her and rolled her eyes

"no, hector and I had sex once and it was okay. He wanted to do it again but I don't" Hannah said as esme frowned

"why not he is a good guy" esme said

"he's a womaniser Es and I don't want to be caught up in it. Besides I am not in it, not all the way" Hannah said as esme looked to her and frowned

"is there someone else?" Esme asked as Hannah looekd to her.

Hannah knew there was, it was Simon and Hannah knew it was a mess but she couldn't talk over her and Simon not when esme and Simon were together and not when Hannah felt guilty enough over the fact that they had sex

"there's no one I just want to be alone right now" Hannah said as esme looked to her and nodded

Hannah sat in her classroom and sighed as she looked to see Simon as he walked in. He closed the door as she looked to him and sighed

"what do you want Simon, I am not in the mood" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"I think you know what I want. I want you. I Don't care over esme or the fact that she is sleeping with max after all he did. I want you" he said as he walked over to her and smiled as he placed a hand in her cheek. Hannah looked to him and sighed

"she's my best friend and you think I want to ruin my friendship with her because of a quick thrill with you. I do care over esme unlike you" Hannah said as he walked towards he and smirked

"do you? Then stop me" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She placed her hands in his chest to push him away only to wrap them around his neck as she kissed him back.

He lifted her up onto the desk and got between her legs as she undid his belt as smirked as he pulled her close as he pushed into her.

Hannah moaned at the contact as he started to move in and out of her

Hannah sighed to herself as she got back to her flat. She sighed as she sat on the sofa. Hannah knew that having sex with Simon was wrong and she knew that the last thing she wanted to do was to hurt esme.

Esme was her best friend. Hannah knew she needed to try and stay away from him.

Hannah knew that she had to do that so that could save her friendship with esme but Hannah had no idea how it wasn't going to be as easy to do as she thought and how things were going to get a lot more complicated when it came to her and Simon

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