Chapter 10

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Hannah woke up in bed next to Simon as she looked to him.

"You okay" he asked as she sighed as she looked to him

"i Dunno I guess. It's great when it's us but I can't do this anymore lie and cheat. Esme is my best friend and I just can't" Hannah said as Simon looked to her and smiled

"I know that your worried and that's okay but you don't need to worry it is going to be okay I am here" Simon said as he placed a hand on her cheek

"I mean it Simon. I can't lie"

"that's okay. Look we will sort it okay. I don't want to hurt esme either we can't just come out we have to think of this but i promise you it is all going to be okay" Simon said as he placed a hand on her cheek as she looked to him and smiled.

Hannah knew that he was right but she also knew how sick and tired that she was feeling over hiding everything. Simon pulled her close and kissed her as he rolled over so that he was on top of her.

She ran her hands through his hair as the kiss got more passionate as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. She dug her nails into his back and moaned as she felt herself get close  
Hannah stood in the staffroom and looked as hector walked in and groaned to herself as he walked over to her

"who is he" hector asked as Hannah looked to him and frowned

"who" Hannah asked as he looked to her and rolled her eyes

"the one your shagging who you dumped me for" he said

"I ended it with you because of how you treated me. Look I'm sorry that you don't like it but it's over" Hannah said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm. Hannah winced in pain as she looked to him

"leave her alone" Simon said as he walked over as hector looked to him

"it is when you are man balding her. Leave her alone" Simon said as he bad hector looked to each other glaring for a moment as he let go off Hannah's arm

Hannah looked to him and grabbed her sore arm knowing it would bruise "your nothing but a whore" hector spat as Simon punched him and glared

"don't talk to her like that" Simon said. Esme stood across the room and frowned. She saw how Simon defended Hannah and it made her worry over him, over how he actually felt and if he had feelings for Hannah

Hannah sat in her classroom. Her head was a mess after the whole hector incident and she didn't want to face anyone. She looked to see esme as she walked in and smiled

"i wanted to see if your okay" esme asked as Hannah smiled

"I've been better" Hannah said as she looked to esme

"are you or is it to do with max again" Hannah asked as she saw the look on esme face and knowing how esme had been hooking up with max

"I don't know what to do" esme said as she sat down as Hannah looked to her and smiled

"you do and you have for a whole. You follow your heart and be happy" Hannah said as esme smiled.

Hannah knew how complicated things were but how much longer coukd she lie to her best friend for?

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