Chapter 2

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Hannah groaned to herself as she walked into work. She was feeling terrible. She knew that she was hungover from the night before. Hannah walked into the staffroom and made herself a coffee.

All Hannah could think over was she and hector. She knew that they had sex a few times but she also knew that she felt nothing with it. She knew it wasn't romantic and that half the time that she was faking it with him.

Hannah made herself a coffee and took a sip of it. She looked as Vaughan walked in and walked over to her. She groaned to herself knowing it wasn't what she needed right now

"so Allie and I are having a family dinner tonight" Vaughan said as Hannah nodded

"I'd like you to be there" he said as Hannah frowned


"Because your my daughter" Vaughan said

"I can't I'm visiting mum you know the one you drove into a mental breakdown, the last thing I am going to do is play nice with Allie, she is the reason mum is how she is" Hannah said

"your mum couldn't cope that's why she is how she is. It isn't allies fault" Vaughan said as Hannah looked to her and rolled her eyes

"isnt it?" Hannah said as she walked off

Hannah walked over and sat down as hector walked in. Hannah groaned to herself knot wanting to deal with him right now as he walked Over to her and smirked

"so last night was fun" he said as Hannah nodded


'well maybe we could do it again" hector said as Hannah looked to him and sighed

"we had sex hector that's all it was and I am not sleeping with you again as I don't want to complicate things and the last thing I want is for the staffroom to know my business especially my father" Hannah said As he looked to her and smirked

"I can be discreet we can keep this secret" he said as Hannah saw Simon and Esmè walked in kissing. Hannah didn't know why but it killed her as she looked to him

"fine, but not tonight I'm busy" Hannah said as hector looked to her and smirked

"fine, ill text you" he said as he walked off. Hector knew that he was using her so that no one else could have her and he knew that he shouldn't but he knew that it was something to do and he knew he didn't want her t one with Simon.

He saw how they were and he knew they liked each other


Hannah smiled as she walked into the staffroom alter that day and saw Esmè "so I see things with Simon are good?" Hannah said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"they are, he is a great guy. But I don't know what it is A part of home still misses max" Esmè said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

"I know that you do but he is married now es, he got married and you gave him a choose and he didn't choose you, he doesn't love you not if he would do that and marry you're sister and you deserve to be happy. You deserve someone who will love you and look after you and you know that is Simon. He's my best friend and I know what he is like and he's one of a kind. He won't hurt you, he is a good guy look at him as the anti max and trait me after what max did to you, you need to anti max" Hannah said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"yeah your right I just need t Tory and get over max and what he did to me, Simon is good for me and he makes me happy. Besides max is gone" Esmè said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

"you will get over him eventually" Hannah said as Esmè nodded


Hannah sat in her classroom and smiled as Simon walked in. She looked to him and smiled "hey" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"and here is me thinking that you were avoiding me?" He said as hannah looked to him and smiled

"of choruses hot, it's just been one of those days" Hannah said as he smiled

"I know, I know I am with Esmè but your still my best friend and it won't come between us" Simon said as Hannah smiled but little did Hannah know hoe everything was going to change between her and Simon?

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