Chapter 22

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Hannah knew that she and Simon were doing everything they could to make it work for the sake of their baby.

Hannah knew she was suffering with bad morning sickness. And she couldn't go half an hour without throwing up.

So far their relationship was good. And both of them were going to do all they could to make it work. Hannah's childhood hadn't been the best.

But she was trying. It was the only thing she could do was try. Things were hard. She wasn't going to lie. But the one thing she wanted was to give her baby the best in life.

Hannah knew how she and Simon had started out as an affair. But things had changed. And now they were having a baby together.

Esmè was supporting of them. And for that, she was thankful. She knew Esmè could have easily turned on her for the affair. But she hadn't. She had done all she could to support them.

All Hannah knew was that things weren't going to be easy. And she was just worried about it. She wanted to be happy and make things work.

Morning came and she rolled over. She saw Simon there and smiled. "Morning," she said as she kissed him.

Simon smiled into the kiss. He ran his hand up her thigh and looked to her. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he kissed her.

Hannah shrugged. "I don't feel like I need to throw up. But it's not throw up time yet," she told him.

Simon smiled. He looked to her. "I'm glad were doing this. I know things haven't been easy for us. But I'm glad we're in a good place right now," he said.

"Me too. I'm excited for the baby. But I want us to take our relationship slow. I mean, we can't be too slow as we have a baby together. But as slow as we can," Hannah told him.

"We've got this Hannah. I know we have."

"I hope so."

Hannah and Simon went into work. Simon kissed her cheek and walked off. Esmè came over and smiled. "Hey. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. I'm just feeling tired. And it's not cause of what you think. I'm just not feeling the best," she told her.

Esmè smiled. "I was the same if I'm being honest. When I was pregnant with Amelia. But it's going to be okay. You and your baby are gonna have a good life with Simon," she said.

"You think?"

"Yeah. I do. Trust me when I say that you're gonna be okay."

"Thanks es. Love you."

"Love you too."

Hannah was sitting in the staffroom. She was the only one in there. She looked up to see her dad. She sighed as he looked to her. "What?"

"I think you should have an abortion. You're not ready to be a mum," Vaughan said.

Hannah frowned. But before she could speak, Simon walked in. "I beg your pardon?" He said.

Vaughan turned to him. He sighed. "Hannah isn't ready to be a mum. I don't want her to end up like her own mother."

Simon shook his head. "Hannah will be an amazing mum. And for you to suggest otherwise is just ridiculous. I know her. And I know she'll be fantastic," he told him.

Hannah smiled in thanks. Not knowing how this was the beginning of her relationship with Simon becoming something more.

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