Love On The Front Lines~Captain Rex x Pregnant!Reader

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Word count: 1,193
Warnings: fluff, Rex is happy for once, Anakin and Padme are supportive godparents
Hot, sweaty, tired and a little hungry, that's how he felt. Slave work was exhausting and painful, even though it had only been for a few days. Zygerria didn't go the way the Generals and Commander had planned. After that, all Captain Rex wanted to do was take a shower, eat, then lay down and sleep for days. General Skywalker had told him to get some rest after he exited the medbay and Rex didn't argue.

He punched in the code to his room and walked in, starting to remove the disgusting clothes he had been wearing for too long. Taking off the boots and shirt and tossing them on the floor. He started on the pants when he felt arms wrap around him from behind.

"I missed you."

Rex smiled, he loved hearing your voice. He turned around in your arms and held you, finally able to see your face after so long. "I missed you too, both of you," he said. Rex's hands moved from your back to your large swollen belly. "How is our baby?" "According to your medic, perfectly healthy," you responded.

You put your hands on top of his. "I only worry that you might not come back every time you leave the ship," you said sadly. "Try not to worry, my love. It's not good for the baby," Rex smiled. You rested your head on his chest. "I know you're the best soldier in the GAR but that means they put you right in the path of death."

"I'm a leader," Rex said, "I have to be in front." You looked up at him lovingly, "Why did I have to fall for the bravest soldier and most wonderful man." You spent a moment just staring into each other's eyes, embracing in the love you two shared. The same love that created life between you and the clone Captain.

You were a weapons expert before you met Captain Rex. You had been with the 212th before being transferred to the 501st. You fit in right away with the rowdy bunch of boys. You had the same high energy and bold behavior. Though you weren't supposed to be on the front lines sometimes you ended up there. Your relationship with the Captain had begun slowly as you gained his respect day after day. He liked how you were battle hardened but kind, playful but serious when you needed to be, and always protective of the men. It was one day on Rodia where you ran out into open fire to save a child and bring them back to safety that Rex fell for you.

Now, after a year, you and Rex were nearly married. He would have leave soon and the two of you planned on flying to Naboo and being secretly wed. Well, almost secretly. When you found out you were pregnant eight months ago, Rex and you had decided to keep it a secret as long as you could. But when you started to show, the men began asking questions. Rex went to General Skywalker and explained everything, hoping his General could help. Luckily for the both of you Anakin had promised to keep your secret and protect the two of you as best he could. You had come up with the guise that you had met a man on Coruscant and gotten pregnant with his baby. The men had bought into it and were supportive and protective of you, only allowing you to do little work on the Resolute. Rex didn't like lying to his men but he wanted to protect you too. He wanted to ensure you the best care, and so he told his medic Kix, as well as his most trusted ARC troopers, Fives and Echo. He trusted them to keep their mouths shut but told them that General Skywalker knew and would intervene if they blabbed, just in case. They had done well on their word and no one else knew.

Anakin had told Senator Amidala in hopes that she could arrange a trip and small marriage ceremony to which she had agreed and helped any way she could. Thanks to everyone's help and cooperation you were able to be in the arms of your beloved Captain and fiance now.

You breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at him. "You stink."

"I was going to shower before you demanded welcome home hugs," Rex stated. You broke away from him and pinched your nose shut, "You go jump in the shower and I'll get you some clean blacks." Rex smiled and nodded. He finished removing his pants and gathered the dirty clothes in a corner to deal with later. "Hurry up if you can, I still want cuddles in bed before you have to get back to work," you said, rummaging through a drawer. "I'll do my best, sweetheart," Rex responded. He took the new pair of blacks you had offered him and walked to the refresher door. "I know," you followed him to the door, "You always do." You kissed him on the cheek and patted his bum before turning and walking away. Rex chuckled and proceeded to his shower.


He exited the refresher, clean finally, and saw you sitting on the edge of the bed. When you noticed him you waved him over. "Rex, come quick the baby's kicking!" He rushed to your side and you guided his hand to your stomach. A couple seconds later he felt the jolt on your insides, he smiled brightly at you. You smiled back through the discomfort.

"Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes. I think this little one is just ready to come out and meet their papa," you remarked. "I don't know who's more excited, me or her," Rex said, running his hand over your belly. You looked at him, "Her? You think it's a girl? Why don't you want a boy?"

"I have enough boys to supervise. I want a little girl to look after." 

"I want a boy, he'll grow up strong and smart like his papa," you declared.

"Whichever they end up being, I know they'll be loved to bits," Rex said as he laid down. You laid down next to him, Rex instinctively moving his arms to hold you. "I just wish they didn't have to be born during the war," he added. "War or no war we'll do our best to give this child the best life they can have," You said. "I love your optimism," Rex stated. "Any chance you could share some of it with me?"

"If I could, darling, I would have already," you said, "How I wish I could change so many things. Have I ever told you about the dream I keep having?" "I don't think you have," Rex rolled over and put his head on your chest. "I keep having this dream where I stop the war and we go to Naboo, get married, have our baby and live the rest of our lives safe and happy." You put your arm around him and rubbed his back.

"It's a far fetched dream, dear," He mumbled, "Let's lay here and pretend it's real."

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