Koala~Fives x Reader

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Word count: 828
Warnings: nothing but fluff
"I love you so much." Fives felt like he was going to melt into a puddle of feelings. You laid on top of him, your head resting on his chest, eyes closed, smile on your face. A low rumble sounding in your throat.

"Are you purring?" He asked.

"What? Humans can purr, you just have to get enough saliva in your throat." You nuzzled your face into his chest, the material of his blacks not as soft as you would have liked. But this was Fives and nothing, and you meant nothing, could deter you from cuddling him when you both wanted it. Unfortunately, he had a mission to depart on soon and you weren't keen on giving him up so easily.

You kept your arms wrapped around his neck holding him tight. "Fives have I ever told you I love you so much?"

"Yes, I believe you have," he chuckled.

"Because I do and I really mean it. My heart is so full of love for you it's spilling over the sides. You're the most amazing, talented, special, smart, loving, caring, kind, handsome, strong, funny, incredible, mischievous, loyal, sexy, dedicated, perfect man I know," you rambled.

"That's quite a speech, love."

"You deserve it, I love you," your heart swelling with love and you always felt the need to tell him, whether he knew it or not. At this rate he probably did.

"You know I love you too, baby. I would give you a speech too but I have to head down to the hangar now," he said.

You whined in protest, "Do you have to?"

"Yes, Rex will be mad if I don't," he admitted. "If he gets mad he won't let me see my beautiful, fantastic, smart, sexy, funny, kind, caring, loving, loyal, adorable, strong, witty, talented, incredible, and perfect girlfriend. We wouldn't want that now, would we?" He finished with a smirk.

You giggled and blushed as he tilted your head up so he could see your face. "I love you," he said, smiling. "Can you let me up now?"

"I guess." You climbed off of your boyfriend and allowed him to get up from the bed. "Can I help you put on your armor?"

"Please," he nodded. You spent the next few minutes helping Fives into his ARC armor that made him look as strong and amazing as you always told him he is.

"How do I look?" He did a little spin and you laughed at his silly antics. "Like my boyfriend, about to go kick some clanker ass," you said, pressing a kiss to his lips before he put his helmet on.

"One thing," you said. Fives turned to face you and you jumped at him. He caught you in his arms and you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips, clinging to him tight.

"Y/N what are you doing?" He asked. He removed his hands and you clung onto the front of him like a koala. "Cuddle time's not over," you declared. He sighed, trying to be annoyed but he just couldn't, he thought it was so adorable when you literally wouldn't let him go.

Most of the time someone else had to remove you from Fives so he could go on his missions. You didn't give in easily and because of your athleticism you had an iron grip. It was gonna be a task, a task that somehow usually fell to Rex.

With no way or want to remove you, Fives made his way down to the hangar, passing many of his brothers who sent him strange looks. Most of the time the "koala-ing" stayed behind closed doors. After a while of walking a little weird, and in no way dislodging you, he had made it down to the hangar.

"Fives, where have you been?" Rex called as he approached.

"Cuddle time wasn't over," he replied. "And it still isn't!" You added. Rex facepalmed and sighed. "We have to leave in three minutes," Rex said, "Can't you get her off?"

"I'm 'fraid you're the only one who can Captain," Fives replied. Rex walked behind Fives in order to look at you.

"We have to go in three minutes," he repeated, clearly frustrated. "Good! I only need two," you said, putting your head back on Fives' shoulder. Rex rolled his eyes and walked back to his original position.

Fives was glad he was wearing his bucket at that moment so Rex wouldn't see him snickering.

The Captain waited one minute before deciding to pull at your arms to try and get you off. You let him pull until another minute had passed then you loosened your grip and allowed yourself to be removed.

"Finally, now we need to get going," Rex huffed.

You gently took off your boyfriend's helmet and kissed him off the cheek before planting it in his head again.

"Be safe, I love you."

"I love you too, darling."

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