Christmas With Torrent~Torrent Company x Reader

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Word count: 1,498
Warnings: nothing, just pure Christmas joy and fluff
You were bursting with so much excitement you had to be careful you didn’t fall off the chair you were using to reach up high. The tree was the last of the decorations you had to put up, other than the special DIY ornaments you had made, but those were still drying.

It was the eve of Life Day and Torrent company finally had a leave that allowed them to be free during the holiday. You had all but insisted they bring the whole squad over to your house and celebrate it like normal citizens do. They were as excited as you were, they’d spent the last few days with each other, relaxing. They were coming to your house tonight and would sleep over so they could wake up to a home cooked breakfast and the countless presents you had gotten each of them.

Once you heard their leave was going to line up with Life Day, you immediately started saving up your credits, stashing them away to buy your boys presents. They never got things of their own being Clones and you intended to splurge on them and get them anything and everything they could ever want, for the most part anyway.

You had broken out all your old decorations that you rarely put up, transforming your house into a winter wonderland filled with lights, bows, and Life Day joy. Was it tacky and over the top? Maybe a little, but they would get the full experience and that’s what you wanted for them.

You got down off the chair and checked on your ornaments. You had bought plain ornaments and spent half the day painting them in the 501st colors. Each man had his own specific ornament, complete with his name and themed armor markings on it. You hoped they liked them. The other half of the day you had spent baking. Cookies, cakes, pies, you name it, you had made it that day. Using recipes from your childhood and making a little extra so they could take some back to their brothers.

You had created a holonet page a few months ago called: Life Day for our Life Savers, where you were accepting donations to be able to give the soldiers a proper, much deserved Life Day meal. Every clone on Coruscant would get their fill at a local clone-friendly restaurant. You’d raised over ten thousand credits and kept in contact with the restaurant to make sure everything would go to plan. These men were keeping the galaxy safe, it was the least that the citizens of Coruscant could do for them.

You finished the decorations and only had to wait for the boys to arrive. You put the overly expensive bottles of alcohol into buckets of ice to chill.

You had started on dinner when knocking on your door alerted you to your guests. They were a tad early but that was ok. You opened your door to reveal nine identical faces, each with their own unique smile, behind it.

“I’m so happy to see you boys!” You gushed, motioning them inside. “We’re glad to see you too, Y/N,” Rex said. “Where should we put these?” Jesse asked, looking at all the gifts they brought with them. “They go under the tree,” you answered, “Coric, Rex would you mind helping me finish a few things in the kitchen?” The two men nodded and placed their gifts under your tree before heading to the kitchen.

“Anything the rest of us can do?” Echo wondered. “Yes, actually. Echo, you and Tup can set the table places with those dishes I set out over there. Hardcase and Fives, could you disperse drinks? The alcohol is in that bucket on the counter.”

“Of course, we’ll get right on it,” Fives assured. Kix joined you in the kitchen with Rex and Coric while Dogma and Jesse helped the other boys with the settings and drinks. With their help everything was finished quickly and you brought out the food to the hungry soldiers. “I’ve been waiting for this since we deployed,” Hardcase said, the other men agreeing and celebrating the fact that they didn’t have to eat rations.

You served them all and they thanked you before digging in. As you all talked over dinner you found that they were just as happy as you to be on leave during Life Day and to be able to spend it with you and their brothers. You had to persuade them not to open the gifts tonight, that it would happen in the morning. Instead you set up mattresses all over the floor with blankets and pillows, everyone spreading out all over them. The boys exchanged stories and you sat listening, occasionally adding one or two of your own silly tales. It went on for a few hours until you couldn’t stay awake, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

You woke up surrounded by warmth. You were confused until you opened your eyes and found out that Tup and Coric had basically cuddled you to sleep. You wrapped an arm around both of their sleeping forms, looking up to see the rest of the boys sleeping on various mattresses. You were able to get up without waking any of them up, starting on making breakfast and brewing enough caf for all of them.

“Something smells good.” You jumped and turned around to find Rex looking at you with an apologetic look on his face, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You chuckled, “That’s ok, Rex. Caf?” He nodded and you poured some into a mug for him. You continued making breakfast and chatting with Rex until the rest of the boys woke up.

Breakfast was spent pleasantly but with anticipation for what came after, as you had told them they could open their gifts after breakfast. They were so giddy, it was like watching a bunch of children, adorable.

First they opened the gifts from you, which they were over the moon for. You had gotten them things of their own: comfy civvie clothes, warm socks and gloves, casual hats they could wear when they weren’t wearing their helmets. You had gotten them practical things most people took for granted but they loved them. You gave them each their own package of nice, scented soaps and fancy electric razors so they didn’t have to use straight blades. You had bought them their own much better pillows and warmer blankets that you had embroidered their names on and of course gotten in their colors.

"These are so soft!" Hardcase exclaimed, "we don't have to be uncomfortable anymore." Fives nodded, "yeah, might actually be able to get some sleep for once."

"And no more itchy blacks after battle," Echo added. "Or cold nights in hyperspace," Jesse put in, donning his beanie hat. "My amazing hair is certainly going to be easier to keep up with this," Kix joked, his own razor in his hand. "Thank you, Y/N," Tup said, already wrapped up in his blanket. They fawned over their gifts from you until they remembered they had gotten things for each other.

It was so cute to see the gifts they exchanged. Since they didn't have any money, they had gotten creative. Collecting interesting rocks, flowers, and anything that had caught their eye on various planets they had been to. Some had taken the artistic route and carved out or drawn things on old pieces of armor or metal or wood. It was adorable how they joked and messed with each other. After that, only one gift was left under the tree. Yours.

"Alright, time for Y/N's gift!"

Yours was quite wide and flat underneath the cloth they had wrapped it in. "It's not much but we think you'll like it." You pulled away the cloth and was in awe of what lay beneath it. They had taken a section from a gunship door and attached several pictures to it. Pictures ranging from silly ones they had taken of each other on missions, to pictures they had all taken with you at 79s or elsewhere on leave. They even included the one taken when they came to visit you in the hospital after your injury that knocked you out of the war. In between the pictures they had written quotes they liked and little messages to you, random thoughts they had, and some little drawings of anything they could think of.

Your eyes welled up with tears at the precious sight before you, you could tell they put a lot of time and love into making this for you and it was so sweet of all of them. "Thank you boys so much, I absolutely love it!" You set it next to you and hugged each one of them. "I love all you boys so much," you said. They all hugged you back, some picking you up, others kissing your cheek.

"We love you too, Y/N. Happy Life Day!"

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