Who He Wants To Be~Waxer x Single Mom!Reader

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Word count: 2,903
Warnings: nothin but fluff, cute kids, Waxer is a good dad and partner, descriptions of a bag injury, a tiny bit of sad at the end, nothing too much.
Waxer was getting tired of the sand and rocks. During the briefing, General Kenobi had described this as a tropical planet. So far, all they had encountered was flat rocky land and a scorching sun.

"Ugh, this place reminds me of Geonosis," Boil complained from beside him, "I thought General Kenobi said it was an oasis."

"It is an oasis once we get to our destination," Commander Cody said from above them on the tank. "How far out are we?" Waxer asked his Commander. "Only one klick, we should be there soon," Cody replied.

The soldiers and tanks continued to march forwards with nothing but dirt and rocks as far as the eye could see. The land was flat and they could see for miles. They didn't see any civilization anywhere on the horizon. Boil grumbled to himself again but Waxer paid no attention. The farther he walked the more the land in front of him began to change, it looked warped or distorted. It was only when he got to the crest did he realize that the land before him opened up into a valley. A river followed through the valley, providing the oasis Cody had mentioned. Lush trees and vegetation grew in abundance from what he could see, the complete opposite from the landscape above.

The platoon marched down into the valley and towards their destination. The location appeared to be free of enemies as it should be. The 104th had come through a few days before and wiped out the droid occupancy of the valley. The 212th were coming in behind to deliver supplies, medical aid, and food to the people, and also to help them rebuild.

At the sound of the tanks heavy footsteps drawing nearer to what they could now see was a village, the men could see people come running out of their homes. Men, women, and children stood just beyond the foliage, jumping up and down, cheering, celebrating, and welcoming the arrival of the soldiers. The tanks stopped outside the village and the men were greeted by exuberant villagers. They parted to make a path into the village center, cheering, clapping, some of them even reaching out to brush their fingers against the arms of the troopers. The children laid wide leaves at the soldiers feet for them to walk on and the women threw flower petals above their heads.

"I wish we got a warm welcome like this all the time," Waxer mused.

They were made a path into the center of the village where General Kenobi and Commander Cody spoke with the leaders. Everyone else got to work unloading supplies and rebuilding structures. Waxer was tasked with helping hand out the boxes of food. He and a few other clones had removed their helmets and were making sure the process was organized and running smoothly. He was standing off to the side checking the amounts of food boxes they had on a datapad, his helmet tucked under one arm. He felt something tap his leg and looked down. A little human girl probably no older than five was knocking on his shin guards. She stopped when she noticed she had his attention.

“Hi,” she greeted, her voice chipper and upbeat. “Hi,” Waxer responded with a smile.

“I made this for you,” she gently held a flower crown in her small hands, and lifted it up to him. Waxer kneeled down to be eye level with the youngster and set his datapad and helmet down. He took in the sight of several brightly colored small flowers strung together in a meticulous way he couldn’t quite understand.

“It’s beautiful, thank you,” he said, he reached out to accept the gift but the little girl pulled it back. “Can I put it on you?” Waxer was taken aback, an uncertain and slightly embarrassed blush coming to his face. “Um, sure.” He lowered his head and the small child carefully placed her floral gift atop his head. He pulled back and she began giggling at the sight of the soldier wearing a bright bunch of flowers on his head. Her contagious giggles were almost enough to drown out the sound of his brothers teasing him in the background.

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