Heal All Wounds ~Jesse x Reader

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Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: NSFW, smut, shower sex, angst, crying, mentions of death, plot twist
It had been a week since he was taken, you'd counted the days. Your life fell apart the second you got the news, your boyfriend had been abducted by the Separatists. It had been two days since you got the news, the rescue mission was a failure. His transport escaped and most likely crashed or was blown to pieces. According to the pilots of the rescue ship, there was no way a ship that damaged could have survived that jump. He was just gone, you knew he was.

Jesse was with you when the news was delivered to you both. You were in shock at first, unable to comprehend that your beloved was gone, just like that. After a few minutes you broke down into hysterics, bawling your eyes out and nearly collapsing on the floor. Jesse caught you and held you the entire night. He kept his emotions in check, hidden behind an unbreakable barrier, he never showed how much Kix's death affected him. Until you heard him one night in the barracks, you had just glanced in the door after hearing a loud crash. You saw Jesse taking off his armor, after every piece was free he was violently throwing it into the wall. You were scared and wondered why he was doing it when he turned around and sat on his bunk, his face and eyes were red and stained with tears. His sobs were loud and you wanted to go in and hold him, but you knew better. If he knew someone was watching him he would just close up again.

Jesse and Kix were batchmates and very close brothers. He was fun to hang out with when on leave. Jesse was pretty much the third wheel whenever it was just the three of you. You only had a handful of flirty encounters with Jesse. Half of them had been Kix's fault. Like the only time Jesse had ever seen you naked. Kix and you had been busy in a spare parts closet when Jesse walked in looking for something. He only saw your bare chest as Kix was occupying your lower half. You were a bit embarrassed, but Jesse and Kix both found it funny. They were so close that it was just a silly accident to them.

You remembered the one night you had all gone to 79s. Kix was hammered, whereas Jesse was considerably buzzed. You only had a couple drinks then stopped, being the designated driver. Kix had been babbling on about you, he was a chatty drunk, and randomly asked Jesse if he thought you were hot. Jesse agreed with his brother, laughing along with him. The alcohol had made Jesse bold, when Kix looked away he sent you a very flirty wink and smirk that you dwelled on for days. Jesse had only ever teased you or winked at you, never going any further. He knew you belonged to Kix and stayed satisfied with the little details that Kix let slip every now and then.

You had both taken Kix's kidnapping, and now death, hard and bonded even more. You'd just sit and hold each other when possible, Jesse had kissed your cheek a couple times, and recently you had taken to cuddling in bed at night. It was the only way either of you could sleep nowadays. It seems as though Kix's disappearance had brought you and Jesse closer together. To the point where it was bordering on lovers, though neither of you seemed to notice. It was just something you did without any thought. Like you had been made to, perhaps Jesse had always loved you, it was just happenstance that Kix got you first.

You were a scout, recruited when your hometown was burned to the ground by droids. Kix had found you in the rubble with a broken arm. Your relationship grew from the medbay out. You joined the GAR and gathered information for the 501st. That was eleven months ago. You got along well with everyone, even the Captain. It was heartbreaking to see them gone. Just one shot, one explosion, and the men you had been talking and laughing with the day before were just gone.

You'd been staring at your holopad for three hours and not gotten a single thing done. It was almost 0200 and you knew there was no chance of falling asleep. You hadn't had the motivation to do much of anything and decided to head to the refresher and take a shower. The fresher was completely empty when you entered. You made sure you had soap and chose a stall, turning the water on so it could heat up. You walked around the corner and stripped down, setting your clothes on a bench and grabbing a towel for after.

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