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[ Toxic- 2WEI version]


Hogwarts was silent. Eerie. Like the walls knew something was happening, but those inside it didn't.

Everyone but me and Draco.

The Slytherin doors seemed taller than before, almost like I had shrunk during my time away, or her naive nature had shrunk.
Either way, I didn't want to go in.

I had no idea where Draco was, I didn't even know if he was alive.
I gulped at the thought, deciding to put it aside.

I turned, deciding that my best bet would be to stay low until something happened, deciding to attack when they least expected it.

But I didn't know who they where. Would I need to attack Draco? What if someone else did and they killed him.
I shook my head not wanting to think about the possibility.

"Ophelia?" I jump and turn, shocked that someone else would be in the halls at this time.

Lucas. Fuck sake.

I stood ridged. Out of all the possible times for him to crop up. He chooses now.

"Why are you up so late?" He asked.

I looked at him. His eyes had regained their shine. But his poster had slouched. He was different. In a good way, I couldn't tell.
"I'm. Just going for a walk. You should go back to your dorm." I say cold. The last thing I want in life is to see him. Speak to him.

"Ophelia. We should talk. About us. Fae. Look, your summer was horrible and I understand. But so was mine, so was Fae's. And when you left me, I was upset and I understood why. But it didn't stop me from being sad. And Fae, she-"

"Stop." I shoot my eyes at him praying lasers would shoot out.
"I don't want to hear this Lucas. I'm okay with it. Really. And if you want to talk fine. But not right now. There is something I need to go do. So please"

"Fae has the Dark Mark Ophelia."

I stop. And stare. The information seeping into my ears, spilling over my brain like someone had split an egg over my head.

"She what? Why? Why would she. She never, she didnt follow."

"I don't know. I don't. She showed me at the end of summer, something about 'accepting that not all paths are right' and when I pressed her all she would say was that it would all make sense. I don't know if it was because of losing her dad, or because of her mum. She just. Did it."

I stand gaping, my mouth opening and closing like a gum ball machine.

"My dad died the exact same way hers did. And I'm not here wearing it. "
I couldn't compute. I couldn't figure out why, as a quiet girl with the heart of gold, she had decided to join...HIM.

I shake my head, deciding to place the fact aside and come up with a set of questions to ask later on. I have things to do.

"Look. Lucas. I have to go. But we can talk later. Okay"

Lucas nods. Standing straighter. "Fine. But Ophelia, she said something was going to happen. She mentioned your father. She kept mentioning him. Every time she would trace the mark she would say that you would understand. I never understood why. She said she found out some information and after the summer she wanted to be the one to tell you."

My breathing hitches and I turn my head to look at him fully.

"What did she want to tell me Lucas. She told she. Didn't she. What did she say"

Black swanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz