Current issues with wattpad

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Hello guys, Hannah here!

As a lot of people may know Wattpad has been removing a lot of stories! Especially ones in the HP fandom, and they include AMAZING stories such as Manacled, The erised effect, Isolation and SO MANY MORE.

With that being said, I have taken all of my HP fictions and I have them saved on a document.
I have also decided that my stories will be uploaded to INKITT - an app really similar to Wattpad! (Editing ongoing)

If my stories are ever removed or Wattpad becomes a place that just doesn't suit my form or writing anymore, I will be moving everything onto there AND AO3 also! (AO3 uploads pending)
Please feel free to follow me there, my account is linked in my bio!

Please stay safe! And be considerate. Authors spend HOURS upon HOURS editing and writing and choosing plot and stuff. For over 75+ chapters to be removed from someone is so sad. Things might be a bit strange on Wattpad but just stay with us!!

I love you all, stay safe

Hannah x

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