Chapter 6: King Shark.

Start from the beginning

"Cait, you okay?" he asked. She was coughing and was scared. "Guys. She's okay" Barry said. But they weren't out of danger yet. Whatever attacked them, decided to come to them. As it arose from the water, it had arms big as trees, maybe even bigger, it had a dorsal fin on its back and legs that looked like they were on steroids. Basically the whole shark looked like it was on steroids.

"My next meal" the shark said. "So you can speak?" Barry asked. "I can. And this city is going to lose their only hero" the shark said. The shark led out a mighty roar. "Caitlon run!" Barry shouted. Caitlin ran for cover and Barry started to run around the shark in circles. He got mad and hit Barry into a building. He grabbed Barry, choking. "Barry, move your feet as fast as you can and aim them at it's face!" Ronnie yelled. Barry did that and the shark released him. "Barry, you've got to hit him. Run around the world a few times and punch it!" Wells yelled. "What?! Will that work?" Barry asked. "We don't know but right now we don't have any other ideas" replied Eddie.

Barry did laps around the world again and again until he gathered speed. But the shark started to walk off. So Caitlin needed to but Barry some time. "Hey ugly, I bet your mom looks worse!" she yelled. The shark turned around and walked towards her. "Any last words, human?" "Oh just 4 words: this is gonna hurt" she said. Caitlin jumped out the way and Barry lunched it so hard that he broke his hand. And the shark landed back in the water. "SUPER SONIC PUNCH, BABY!!" Ronnie yelled. Wells and Eddie stared at him. "What? I like the name" Ronnie said. "Ahhhh!!" Barry screamed in pain. "I'll be back" the shark said before he disappeared under the water. "Caitlin, bring him back to Star Labs" said Wells. Caitlin brought Barry back to Star Labs to check on his hand.

"Damn, you completely shattered your hand!" exclaimed Eddie. "Yes hut, it's healing quite quickly as well" said Ronnie. "It looks along with super speed, you have super healing" said Caitlin. "Your hand should healed very soon" she said. "How are we going to handle this?" Eddie asked. "He's right. I'm going to need some help with this one" said Barry. "He's right. You did get your ass handed to you" said Caitlin. "Well, I can help" suggested Ronnie. "How?" Wells asked. "Well me and Stein. As Firestorm" Ronnie said. "We could ask but how you know he'll agree?" Barry asked. "I don't know but... Firestorm is our only option for help" said Ronnie.

The next day, Ronnie, Caitlin and Dr Wells went to talk to Stein to see if he'll agree to help them. They knocked on his door and he opened it.
"Oh Dr Wells, how to nice to see you" Stein greeted. "Come in" he said. Dr Wells, Caitlin and Ronnie. "What brings you here today?" he asked. "Well, you know how Barry is the Flash and there's this new meta which is a really big ass shark, he needs help taking him down and us two are the only help he has. So, will you help?" Ronnie asked.

"Oh... well I don't mean to be rude but I don't want to" Stein said. "Why?" Ronnie asked. "Well, I was in hell. I want to spend the rest of life with my wife" Stein said. "We owe this to Barry. He saved us!" Ronnie yelled. "I don't care. Find someone else!" Stein yelled. "If there's nothing else, please leave" he said. Ronnie, Wells and Caitlin left.

Meanwhile at the CCPD, Barry and Eddie were working on trying to find evidence to convince the Capt to close the case. "Hey, how's your hand?" Eddie asked. "It's completely healed! Damn!" Barry exclaimed. Then they suddenly heard a commotion. "What's happening?!" Eddie asked. "There's a giant shark walking through the city!" Singh shouted. Then Barry got a call. "Hello? Yes Dr Wells I know King Shark is attacking the city. I'm going now" he said. "King Shark?" Eddie questioned. "I like the name okay?". But before he left, Barry was making a call. "Who are you calling?" Eddie asked. "Backup" Barry replied.

In Starling City...

John Diggle was finished up a mission. Then he gets a call. "Barry, what's up?" he asked. "Hey, Dig I need some help with something" answered Barry. Barry told him why he needed help. "Yeah sure, me and Lila will be there" Diggle said. Barry put on his suit and headed to the sharks location. With A.R.G.U.S agents behind him. "King Shark! Your reign of terror ends here!" Barry shouted. Barry tried the Super Sonic Punch again but before he could land the punch, King Shark caught him and threw into the ocean.
Diggle, Lila and ARGUS agents were shooting at it but it hardly did anything. Ronnie was watching at Star Labs, and knew they needed help. He went to convince Stein to help. "Stein! Stein, open up!" he shouted while knocking on the door.
"Stein, I know you went through hell, I did too! And Barry saved us! We owe it to him to help!" Ronnie shouted. "I'm sorry but I don't want to" Stein said. Ronnie turned on the news. And Barry was being held by King Shark.

He was going to eat him! "Without him... we would've died, Stein. He needs help" Ronnie pleaded.

At the harbour, Barry was about to get eaten. "Prepare to become shark food" King Shark said. Barry was growing close to his mouth when suddenly... a fire being appeared. "Firestorm!" Caitlin exclaimed. Firestorm let out a blast of fire at him. Barry was released and King Shark retreated into the water. "Barry you've got run on the water and create a tornado!" Shouted Caitlin through comms. "Wait, can he do that?" Eddie asked.

"He did that last night" Caitlin replied. "Okay let's try it" Barry said. Barry ran around King Shark on the water. He was starting to create a tornado and King Shark was at the centre. King Shark got flung and crashed into a truck. Firestorm landed. "Your city is just too weird" said Diggle. King Shark was transported to a water tank in Star Labs.

Firestorm separated. "Wow! That was exciting" Stein said. "So, who is he?" Caitlin asked. "I have no idea. Maybe we'll never know" answered Wells.

Barry and Eddie were closing the case at CCPD. Barry was in his lab when he felt he was being watched. Then he felt a sudden gust of wind. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he asked. He wandered to his desk and found some sort of device. There was also a note. It read 'Save him'. Barry didn't know what it meant at first, but he knew what it was for.

Barry gathered everyone at Star Labs where King Shark was. "Barry, why are we here?" Eddie asked. "I think I can cure King Shark" Barry replied. "Really?! How?" Wells asked. Barry showed them the device that he found. "What is it?" Stein asked. "I don't know. I found it on my desk with note saying 'Save him'" Barry answered. "So you're going to use a device we have no idea it can do to save him?" Eddie asked. "Well, we may not know what it cando, but we have to try something. Whoever this is, he's been through enough. You guys know what that's like" said Barry.

"Let's try it" said Stein. Barry injected the device into King Shark and he started tonroar in pain, but it was working. It was reversing whatever happened to him. Finally King Shark became... a man. "Oh my God, it's Shay Lamden. He went missing after the explosion" Stein explained.

"What happened?" he asked. "It's okay. You're okay. We saved you" said Caitlin who was wrapping him in a blanket. "Where's my wife?" Shay asked. "It's okay. We'll kept you cleaned up and you'll be back with your wife" she said.

When Shay Lamden got cleaned up and dressed, Barry took him to his wife. They knocked on the door. She opened the door and hugged Shay tight. Before he left, Shay told Barry something very important. "Whatever you do, don't trust Harrison Wells. He's the reason why I was like that!" he exclaimed before he shut the door.

This may Barry think hard. Why shouldn't he trust Wells? Why did Shay say that?

Meanwhile somewhere in the sewers of Central City, there was a creature hiding in the darkness. And it said "Harrison Wells... prepare to die".

To be continued...

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