Thomas (Lose Your Soul)

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  “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
                                                     - John 1:5


                                        The Dalles, Oregon, USA
                                               Thomas Leavitt
[Nearly four hours from the prison Rory is located at, Thomas seems completely at ease with the whole situation. Similarly to Rory - but more so - he appears undisturbed about the fact that he killed people, and while Rory is clearly damaged and manipulated… from what I’ve learned, I worry that Thomas is actually a sociopath that’s finally gotten bored enough.]

You people all say that I’m the sick one… but really, you get off on it, don’t you? You take the time to interview all these people and learn all about how we butchered the people we did… I dunno, I think that really, everyone’s sick in their own way. Some are just more openly expressive about it.

… Like you?

I enjoy helping people. Rory is one of the more openly expressive about it.

I suppose you think that you’ve helped him, then?

I set him free. From all of the pain he was feeling and all the torment he was enduring… I showed him that there was a way he could assure that they’d never think of messing with him again. I showed him that patience is a virtue.

You think it was virtuous to manipulate him into killing people?

Did you know that two atoms cannot combine to form a compound unless their geometrical alignment is correct? Without the correct alignment, the atoms just bounce off and go in different directions again, like they never met in the first place, and all that energy has gone to waste until another chance arises...

What’s your point, Thomas?

My point is that Rory and I were like that, mostly Rory, who had a huge internal struggle with himself. Really, the two of us just had to meet; I had to align everything perfectly, and then Rory became what he always was deep inside.

That means that he had the ingredients; he just didn’t know how to mix them correctly enough to… complete himself.

I don’t know if I agree that “completing” equates to killing.

You don’t have to. Anyway, my point is that the only reason I took the fall for that pregnancy and lost part of my cover with it was because I knew that Rory would help me move onto bigger and better things…

All I wanted was to see a little Hell being raised, and he was a ticking timebomb just waiting to go off, so I’m pretty sure if I hadn’t helped him first, someone else would’ve of eventually.

You honestly believe that?

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