Thomas (Illuminated)

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Then said Solomon, The LORD hath said that he would dwell in the thick                                                         darkness.”
                                            - 2 Chronicles 6:1

                                  Spokane, Washington, USA
                                                 Dean Holt
[Dean mostly just looks angry… with everything. I almost didn’t think he’d agree to the interview, but at the same time, I think he wants to make sure he has an input in what really happened. I mean, I would be angry too, but I would at least be reassured that they’re behind bars.]

In school, I liked theatre. I mean, I just liked getting to pretend to be someone else, but that doesn’t settle well with everyone. For example, most of the so called “popular” people weren’t big fans. Or maybe it wasn’t the idea, but the people in it.

Either way, I was lucky to even get on the soccer team and still be in the club. Never would I have thought that I’d get “lucky” enough to befriend the hipster, popular Thomas Leavitt. I’m sure no one else thought it would happen either.

And you weren’t just friends... Weren’t you best friends?

I thought so, before. I mean, he was a pretty cool guy, relaxed, funny, entertaining as a whole to be around. I could see why so many people liked him, but I suppose I should’ve known that for someone to be so friendly to literally everyone… he couldn’t actually like them all too.

Anyway, we hardly ever fought. Not about petty things even, it was mostly just pointless banter. The only time we really fought was when… when he made me lose Sydney.

When he took the fall for the pregnancy.

Well… it was kind of before that, actually. We never officially announced it or anything, but we’d almost already broken up by then. That was just the final thing that did it, really, because... I mean, no matter if things ended messily, if you've loved someone for any period of time you can't just stop caring...

Anyway, before that, she apparently went to him for advice about me, because we were starting to get more serious. I mean, we’d been dating for over two years, and especially in high school when you’re young and you have a short attention span with relationships… You fool around, spend a lot of time together, but still… serious is serious.

And at a young age it feels like adulthood already.

Yeah, that’s… exactly right actually. I don’t know, at the time I thought she was everything I could ever need. I thought she was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Later, when we fought for the first time in a year though, she let slip that she talked to Thomas. I remember we were shouting a lot and screaming in her bedroom when her parents were at work. I remember stopping and just going, “What? What do you mean you talked to Thomas before?”

And she stopped too, looked at me like there was just something… wrong. It was sad and kind of broken, you know? She just said, ”It was nothing. He just told me to follow my heart, and I’m sorry Dean, but… my heart isn’t saying the same things anymore. My heart says that I’m just not in love with you anymore…”

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