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Post-it by EvelynHail

Reviewer. sophie_swadil

The title is reasonable because the story is all about the dares and Ojai Nordhoff high school.

The cover does not really go well with the plot, the dares, events, elements, and characters in the story are fundamentally disparate in quality and meaning, that is to say, it's too flint.

The blurb is thrilling, interesting and packed with curiosity. The particular style it was written in can fascinate a good amount of avid readers into reading the book.

The feelings, physical features, mood, thoughts and actions of the characters were astonishingly described and introduced in every chapter in such a  way that it didn't contradict the foregone actions of same characters in previous chapters.

The characters' environment was also skillfully introduced in most chapters to go flow with the persona's thoughts or actions.

The pace is copacetic, the reason may be attributed to the skillful use of grammar.

The story told in Post-it was thrilling and very quick to grasp. The side stories that were backing up the main story were not also boring. All the events, emotions and feelings of characters were nicely linked to the main plot to produce a very good story. 

The story's form is average but it was written in such a way that lots of plot twist and cliffhangers could have been introduced to make it a better, more thrilling story but the writer decided to introduce only a few turns of events and this attenuated the strength, quality and the sense of excitement and curiosity not the story.

The grammar was very good. Awe-inspiring use of lexicons, idioms and phrases, good everyday references that colligate to characters' actions and various countries' slangs. Nice work.

Final note: this is an inciting story with good descriptions and grammar. I so far enjoyed reading it.

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