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“Anna” by gabzii_kee. Reviewed by Jkaloko

Review: The title is straight forward as it shows a girl’s name. But it makes the reader wants to learn who this girl is and what life she is living. Same thing can be said about the cover art. It shows a little girl walking and holding a teddy bear. This creates a lot of emotions and some mystery on why this girl is walking alone in the middle of nowhere. Makes the reader think something serious is going to happen. The blurb is excellent. It’s short, but explains a lot. It gives a clue on who Anna is and what’s happening in her life. Which gives readers excitement and curiosity to read more to get more information about her. Once the story unravels, there’s a lot to learn and take from. This book deals with Adoption, childhood trauma, divorce, friendship, is love at first sight real, and helping kids. I love the message about protecting kids, raising them, caring for them, and make them grow up to be a better person. All of the characters are great. Kris sees herself in Anna as they were both adopted and had struggles in life. That’s why she is so protective and caring to Anna, because she wants a better life for her. Lamar is a good father figure who’d been cheated on and went through a divorce. But he sticks around and be there for Kris and Anna. Even the minor characters play a significant role. The pacing of the story is great. The chapters are not too long and each chapter has something intriguing to reveal. The grammar is well done. No major mistakes despite some wrong word choices, but everything is written well. Overall, this is a great book. This is relatable, cute, thrilling, helpful, and inspiring.

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