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I LOVE HIM, NOT by pseudoonym

Reviwed by sophie_swadil

TITLE: "I love him, not" is a good title although it's a bit jejune, a more mature title will improve the appearance of the book.

COVER|BLURB: The cover is too simple and plain but carries a great look.
The blurb fairly depicts what the story is about and it's cliffhangers were great.

The characters and their feelings were well placed and portrayed in d story and easy to understand. The characters were introduced nicely to the story and they were written so well that they did not contradict each other.

PACE OF STORY: The pace of the story was quite slow, but it was also very eventful even with the flashbacks.

PLOT: The book's plot is a very common one, but it is suspense-filled and the cliffhangers, emotions, development, and description of characters made it easier to envisage the story.

DESCRIPTION: The writer's way of describing the events and characters was brilliant. The book could use more Description as to the surroundings of the characters and their actions.

GRAMMAR: The grammar was simple and easy to understand. The words used for the sporadic switch between the past and present in the book surprisingly made all the events clear and graspable.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: It is a great book especially the way the writer conveyed the intriguing and thrilling moments in the story.

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