Reviewer James (Hiatus)

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Name: James Kaloko

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Name: James Kaloko

WP name: Jkaloko

Description of yourself: I am an author who writes books, short stories, and poems. Most people know me for my horror, but I don't like being labeled in one genre. I love reading and writing all different types of genres. I write stories that not too many people talk about. When it comes to my work, my main goal is to inspire people. Be a voice to people who don't have any. Tell stories that mean a lot to me and are important to share with the world.

Why you like to be a reviewer: I love speaking up my mind and supporting people. I don't hide how I am feeling and I keep everything honest. If I don't like something, I let that person know. I love giving advice and helping people who need it the most. Plus it's fun reviewing and giving my thoughts on things. Whether if it's books, movies, music, or anything.

Your pros and cons for reviewing: Pros is that I give out lengthy reviews and comments. Expressing how I truly feel about a book or a chapter. Cons is that I can be too nice and lenient. I always want to be as fair as possible, so that I won't come off as too harsh. But I do tell the truth and if I don't like something, I will tell that person. I'm not being negative to be mean but to help the author grow.

Your reviewing style: I don't really have a certain style. I just review how I truly feel. I look at the criteria of what I have to do and follow it. Then I review the book from what I just read. There are times when I take notes of key important messages, moments, or issues. So that it will be easier to remember and I can reference it in my review. I also try to get inside the mind of the author and see their book from their perspective. So I don't have a review style. I review what comes to the heart and express how I honestly feel about it.

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