Reviewer Sophie

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Name: Sophie

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Name: Sophie

WP name: sophie_swadil

Description about yourself; I'm an easy-going girl, pretty idealist and a strong opportunist. I'm a workaholic and when I'm not busy being serious I can be really fun to hang with just don't tick me off.

Why you like to be a reviewer: honestly people need to hear the truth about their books because sometimes people are too afraid to spot errors as make corrections. I can help with that and I think it gives me a great opportunity to help others thereby helping my self evolve and improve

Your pros and cons for reviewing: pros: I can introduce more gem seeking readers to the book If there is a 80% guarantee of good content

Cons: I cant think of much in this regards but I guess I'll figure it out along the line.

Reviewing style: I take time to set out notes and pointers for critical reviews to make my work neat and easy to process.

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* A permanent follow

* Read 5 chapters of her book *I DO* also comment and vote.

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