Chapter 7: Chaos at Dinner

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Here is the next chapter!

In this chapter, Chaos at dinner.

I do NOT own Harry Potter or the Fate series, just my Oc's and story idea.

Off we go!

Chapter 7: Chaos at Dinner



It was busy in the kitchen as servants rushed around cooking meals for the evening dinner, the head of the kitchen suddenly yelled for the already made food to be moved out. During this chaos, at the back of the cooking area, the desserts were being made. The one in charge was dragged away to help carry the food, leaving the two cakes mixes alone with one cake being made for Nabila and her siblings.

From a hidden cove in the area, a figure emerges and makes their way over to the cake, they pull a bottle from their robes and uncorked it. Smirking the figure poured the contents of the bottle into the cake mix that was for Nabila and her siblings and quickly mixed it in, they corked the bottle and glanced around to make sure it was clear before escaping out of the back. A few minutes later the baker arrived back at her post and got back to making the cakes, none the wiser to the tampering in the chaos of the evening.



Atama chuckles as he watched Nabila spin in her new dress that her sister had made for her, it was a pretty white one with a red slash around her waist and brown sandals decorated with gold bits Nabila had collected. It was cute, to say the least.

"It's very nice Nabila," Atama said as he caught her before she fell over from a spin as they walked down the hallway.

Sarabi huffs as she walked beside Atama, she was getting bigger now, she would soon be too big to carry around. Which the feline had pouted at since she did like it when she got carried around, shame really but she could still lay on someone's lap!

"Easy, we're almost there," Atama said as Nabila nods holding his hand as she skips along.

The three soon arrived at the feast, thankfully it wasn't as packed as the other meals, still, some important people were around. Atama guided Nabila over to her spot with Hakim, Ambra, and Zara who was now sitting beside Ambra due to them being engaged now. The king and queen were at the front with, Alya, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu, while further down the table from the siblings was King Akil who seemed to be in a debate with a local priest, while beside him was Jarnila who was sitting quietly looking annoyed by something. Atama petted Sarabi as she lay beside him as he took his seat, and with a smile from Nabila, he reached up and took his veil off letting it hook onto his hood. It felt a little uneasy but with his friends around he could manage this, he felt Sarabi nudge him before laying down to wait as the reat of the food was brought out.

"Here is it, hm, it smells lovely," Zara said as she eyed the food making Ambra chuckle.

"I'm beginning to wonder if you love the food more than me," Ambra asked jokingly making Hakim smother his chuckles as Zara pouts at Ambra.

"Well, I can't do this with food," Zara said leaning over and kissing Ambra making the eldest princess hum and smirk as Zara pulls away.

"Kissy friends!" Nabila said clapping making Enkidu look over with a chuckle as Gilgamesh watched the sibling's interactions with amusement.

Nabila then stops and gained a thoughtful look on her face, one that had Hakim tense up as she turns to him with the most serious face she could pull off.

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