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16 weeks

"I made some dinner if you are venturing from your cave." Roy pokes his head into the guest room, smirking slightly as he meets Megan's eye.

"He's upset, it's okay for him to be upset, the band got fucked over. I'm upset about it, and I know you feel bad for them too." She rolls her eyes back at him, standing from her chair to follow him from the room.

"I do feel bad for them, it was a crummy situation, but him not eating is not the right way to deal with it."

"Give him a day or two he'll come around. What did you make me for dinner?"

"Greek flatbreads."


"Cal loves them, except not today." Roy chuckles, "I was hoping it would coax him out of his room."

"No such luck. I'll see if I can cheer him up after I eat." Meg smiles, pulling a slice of the dinner onto a plate for herself.

"I'll disappear then." Roy laughs, "I've heard plenty of you two without warnings. I'm not hearing it when I have a warning."

Meg's face goes red as Roy laughs, "Sorry." She mumbles around a bite of food.

"It's okay, I have good headphones next to my bed." He chuckles, patting her arm softly.

"Are we really that loud?" She swallows hard, cringing at the thought.

"The house is really quiet when two of the occupants are occupied, makes it hard to not be loud enough to hear." He adds with a chuckle, "I wasn't trying to freak you out, Meg. I was just teasing you."

"Well now I am freaked out." She grumbles, turning her attention to her food.

"New topic." Roy chuckles, "How is the designing going?"

"Decent. It's daunting though." She smiles, grateful he changed the subject.

"How so?"

"I mean, it's like a one shot right? Like either I make something amazing and make a name for myself or I flop. I don't really get the whole trial and error thing others might." She shrugs.

"Why not?"

"If I go live with a line of clothes Michael and Calum's fans are going to know about it. And they are either going to love it and help me grow, or hate it and never let it go so it will shove me in a hole. I just, I feel like it's one or none. It's scary." She sighs.

"You know there are people around to help you, before you go live."

"Like you and Cal?"

"Well ya, but I also mean like your boss, didn't she say she would love to help you. You could always ask for advice and show her some of your ideas. Plus Jack and Celeste have Hemm Clothing and it's done really well. I bet they could have some good advice for you if your unsure or struggling. Plus, Crystal, KayKay, Sierra, all the girls living with Mike and Crystal, they'd all be willing to help with opinions and such I'm sure. And your friend, um, Daphne right? I bet she would help too."

"Huh." Meg nods softly.

"I'm just saying you are far from alone in this, Megan. You've got people to rely on, use that."

"Thanks for the advice." She nods.

"Now, how did that court zoom thing go yesterday?" Roy asks with a nervous smile.

"He's being held again. The DNA was more than enough to convince the judge to put him back in jail. I don't think he's leaving there anytime soon." Meg smiles softly, scooping her now empty plate from the table.

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