Tasting victory

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So, this is a Keefe-Stina AU. I don't actually ship anyone with Keefe, but, someone wanted to see it, so here we are. I saw a prompt on Pinterest that gave me some sort of inspiration for this. Enjoy!


Keefe and Stina had been dating for years. They stayed together throughout highschool, and even finished college together. It had been a shocker to everyone when they moved in together, but at the same time, it was something that was expected.

Stina had a bit of an issue. She wanted to propose to Keefe. She had been one of the only things that made him smile after his time in the military. He felt weighed down by all the lives he took. She never thought he was a monster. Ever. And, of course she knew that usually it was the other way around, but she didn't care. It wasn't about who asked who, it was about love. Simple as that. She decided to just go for it.

As she got ready for the big day, she couldn't help but feel nervous. What if he said no? It was such a surprise when they had first started dating because she had pretty much hated them. But she realized that it wasn't hate. Not really. It was jealousy. She wanted someone to love her as much as Fitz loved Sophie. She wanted people to care about her as much as that group of friends did for each other. She simply wanted friends. She just didn't express herself the right way.

She finished getting ready, and decided to go and spend the morning with Sophie, who had gotten her parents to watch over her children for the day. Fitz was out at work, so she was home alone. Sophie and Stina bonded over high school, and had even been roommates at college. They had never been closer.

As Stina arrived at the Vacker's house, she headed straight for the door and just walked right in. She found Sophie sitting at the counter, eating a bowl of cereal, who didn't even look up when Stina came in.

"Good morning S. What are our plans for today?" Soph asked with a mouth full of food.

"Well, I want you opinion on something." And so Stina explains what she planned to do for Keefe.

"OH MY GOSH! That's so exciting! Ooh I have to start planning for the wedding, and the guest list. There's so much to do!" Stina just goggled at her friend.

"Silly. Only one problem. What if he doesn't say yes?" Stina mumbled, scared of voicing her fear.

"Stina look at me. He won't say no. He loves you as you love him. You guys are meant to be!" Sophie said, giving her friend comfort.

"Thanks Soph. You always know what to say." They both giggled.

They decided to just chill, and watch some movies.

As the day progressed, Stina thought that now would be a good time to head home. She would set everything up, and have a nice dinner with Keefe, then propose. Simple.

She went home, and put on a nice dress, and straightened her wild hair. As she set dinner up, she patiently waited for her love to come home from work.

When she heard the doorknob rattle, she knew it was time. Keefe walked in, and was shocked at the nice dinner set up. He smiled and walked towards Stina, giving her a kiss before backing away.

"What's all this for?" Keefe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have a surprise for you. But first, dinner."

They ate, and then it was time. Stina grabbed needed hand, and took a deep breath.

"Keefe, I know this isn't necessarily normal, but I don't care. I love you, and I want to spend my entire life with you. Will you be mine, forever and always?"

"Yes. As long as you're by my side, then anything is possible." Keefe answered.

He then started crying, but not necessarily happy tears. They were anguished tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Stina asked, worried.

"How could you ever love me? When you kiss me, do I still taste of war? Can you still feel the battles on my skin, stitched across my back? I don't want to hold you back when you deserve so much more than a damaged man."

"Keefe. When I kiss you I don't taste war. I d
Taste victory. And everyone has baggage. You do, I do, we all do. If you were able to forgive everything I've done to you and your friends, and the way I acted, then surely you don't believe that I would be upset? You are all I want, and all I need. Forever."


"I promise. Now let's eat dessert before it goes bad." Stina helped him up and smiled.

It was at that moment that Keefe realized that he didn't need any temporary thing. Not a jewel, diamond, or pearl could compare to Stina in his eyes.


Thanks so much for reading! This one was WAY longer the I had planned for it to be. But hey, it's fine. (868 words!)

Make sure to vote and comment what ships you want to see!

KOTLC one-shots -HIATUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon