Discovering what you always had

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Tam taking comfort in his sister.


Tam had had his heart broken. Again. First, he likes Biana, then Biana gets with Keefe. Then, he likes Sophie, but Sophie starts dating Fitz. When will it end? When he started thinking about Marella, she got with Dex. It seemed as if Tam was destined to be alone his entire life.

He didn't know what to do. He simply wanted to be happy. Is that too much too much to ask? Was his life already planned out for him to be unhappy? Was there no way to change it? It didn't matter anyway. He already was unhappy.

"Tam?" Linh knocked on his bedroom door.

Without waiting for an answer, she came in. When Linh saw him sitting on his bed with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, she rushed to him. As she wrapped her arms around her brother, she could almost visibly see him breaking. Because that was what was happening. He was breaking.

"It's going to be alright Tam. Really, it is." Linh tried to convince him, while stroking his head softly.

In that moment, Tam realized something. He wasn't alone. Not really. He had Linh. He always had had Linh. It didn't matter if he never found romantic love, because at least his sister loved him. No strings attached.

When Biana unknowingly broke his heart, Linh was there for him.

When their parents kicked them out, Linh had stayed by his side.

Whenever something bad happened to either one of them, they always were there for each other. Tam felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. He never will truly be alone. Because he will always have Linh.

"I know." Tam answered Linh's earlier statement. "I know."

Tam hugged Linh tighter, and simply relished in the feel of her arms around him. Because now he knew. She would always be there, no matter what.

Tam had finally discovered what he always had.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I couldn't think of what else to write. I hope you liked it!

Make sure to comment what ships you want to see!

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