the challenge of hiding in plain sight

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(Tuesday Jason's PVO)

So, today I am going to go and hang out with Jackson and our-his-our-HIS family. Gosh, this seems weird not calling them my family too it is so wrong. Oh my gosh...ok time to put all my acting skills to the test. I walked to the parking lot where they were picking me up. Standing out there I started to question this decision again, but before I could chicken out that same blue SUV pulled up this time with fewer people in it. I am pretty sure that having a mini argument with one's self is not good but who cares.

"Hey, Seb," Jackson said from the back. That was when I noticed that once again Scott was driving and John was in the passenger seat... and well he looked beyond bored.

"Hey, Jackson," I said almost saying his nickname, the one I made for him when we were three years old, I called him Jackie and he called me Jacey (we were weird kids). I climbed in beside him on the other side and off we went.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked Jackson

"We are going to play laser tag, at this really cool place in Lima," Jackson said and proceeded to tell me about the other things we are doing too.

"I have one question," I said

"Yeah," Jackson said

"Why did Scott not use a GPS to get here?" I asked

"Oh...Scott is terrible with directions even with a GPS. So, he has to have John come with him were ever he drives so he does not get lost." Jackson said laughing at his oldest brother. Jackson then told me a couple of stories of times that Scott got lost while using a GPS and let me tell you they were hilarious.

The whole day went bywithout any problems. We went to laser tag, an aquarium, and a couple of otherplaces before ending the day at a nice but casual restaurant. I will say that I was a little (read: very) sad when I was dropped back off at Dalton. I wish that I could stay with them they are my big brothers. Why do the Smythes have to keep me from them why can I not go home. After I walked back to my door room I started to cry no that is not the right word I was sobbing from my crushed dreams of my brothers recognizing me.  This is the price of hiding in plain sight. 

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