a new chapter

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I quickly put the notebook I was writing in, inside a hole I made in my pillow, the one that I was bringing with me to my new school, knowing if my "parents" find it, there will be consequences. Before my "mother" knocks on my door I am up dressed and double-checking school bags. This year my "parents" have decided to send me to a boarding school. I am super excited to go, as this will be my first prolonged time away from ho- I mean dungeon. I had packed my clothes, uniforms, extra sheets, and blankets all the night before so all I would need now is my bathroom stuff and pillow. My "parents" had changed my name when they "adopted" me. My name now is Sebastian not Jason, heir to my "father's" business. "Hun, wake u...Oh, you are already up. Are you already packed? Excited to go to school." Mrs. Smythe asks looking at me. When she walked in I stood straight at attention, my hands clasped behind my back. I was standing ramrod straight it took years of practice for me to stand completely still without the need to fidget.

"Yes, ma'am I am all packed. Mother, I am very excited to start at my new school." I replied in a very formal tone nothing less would be very bad for me. It is bad how easily it comes to me to be this formal with anybody I just want things to back to normal.

"Well, your father and I are ready to go whenever you are, sweetie." Mrs. Smythe said closing the door behind her. The unspoken "or else you are walking" hung in the air even after she had left my room.

"Yes ma'am, thank you for informing me, mother," I said in the same tone I had used earlier. Gosh, I wish I was with my twin and big brothers right now.

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