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(Ok so I thought I should put a warning on this chapter. There are brief mentions of suicide. Nothing that I believe would trigger anyone but it is better safe then sorry. I will put a note when it is safe to read if you want to skip over it.)

   The boys all awoke late that day, it was almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Jason and Jackson sat together talking and cuddling just trying to reconnect their two halves. Blaine and Kurt where emailing Kurt's dad trying to learn if there was anything they could do wrong that could trigger one of the twins.  See how the boys reacted to their meeting on stage and how they still where now several hours afterwards led Kurt and Blaine to believe that there was a ton more trauma that was hidden away.  The peace in the room was interrupted by Jackson speaking up loudly it seemed. 


"Hey...we need to call home and tell them the...." I said loudly startling my brother, who jumped and shot his head up. He looked nervous....or maybe scared until he realized he was with his roommates in our door room at Dalton.

"Jacey...are you ok?" I asked quietly after watching his reaction to my voice. I was very worried for him.

"Yeah I a...I will be fine's just the first two – three.... the years I was with the Smyths they would yell and scream at me for messing up when I did not know what to do. Loud noises.....trigger flash backs.......real bad flash backs sometimes." He said very softly seemingly afraid of how we would react. That is when it hit me, my twin brother who I vowed to protect was afraid I was going to hit him, for startling from me yelling.

"Jason, listen ok. We are going to help you ok. No more loud noises alright." Blaine said coming over to sit next to us he wrapped his arm around Jason comforting him. Jason laid his head softly on Blaine's shoulder and whispered "thank you." This was a huge step for my little brother. When he was Sebastian Smyth, he did not seek physical contact something I knew he desperately needed. So, seeing him lay his head on Blaine's shoulder was a step in the right direction for his recovery. Knowing my little brother, I could just tell that he was suffering from touch starvation, something that could really mess with him.

"Do you want to call our brothers now or wait until later?" I asked my little brother in a softer and quieter tone, not wanting to overload him with memories of that time.

"Can we call them now?" He asked looking up at me with his big green eyes. I smiled and said.

"Of course, we can. Let me grab my laptop." I hoped up and quickly grabbed my laptop from my footlocker. As fast as I could I turned on the skype app and called my-our brothers. Sitting back down I made sure that Jason was not in the camera just yet. Scott answered my call, cool.

"Hey Scotty, can you grab the others I have something to tell all of you." I asked. Scott nodded and went to grab our brothers. Once all of them were sitting in front of the screen I said, "So yesterday  in glee we had to sing a song from our childhood. I picked the song Jacey and I wrote when we were three. Half way through I had to stop so as not to start crying on stage. When behind me someone else starts singing the other half perfectly. No one but Jason and I know all of the words to the whole song. I turned and saw well look for yourselves." I pulled Jason over to me, "I saw Jason behind me singing the other half of the song." My older brothers were shocked.

"Jack, we know you want him to be alive...." Alan got cutoff by Jason.

"It really is me guys. I was forced to go by the name Sebastian Smyth by the people who kidnapped my when we were eight. I had to act like their son out of fear of being beaten to death with a belt if I did not." Jason said slowly I was shocked by his statement, "I...I am actually really sad to hear that you would not believe Jackie.


The only thing that kept me sane....Heck the only thing that has kept me from killing myself years ago was the thought I might see you all again, and now you think it is a...a....a...a joke."


Jason at that point had started to cry believing that our brothers really did not want him. I pull my little brother over so that his head is resting on my shoulder letting him sob. I sighed knowing that Jason was going to be a mess when we see our brothers next. He had told me that his biggest fear was not being welcomed back by our brothers, that they would give him back to the Smyths to be beaten.....and killed. I solved one problem by glaring at our five older brothers....let me tell you that my glare can be just as terrifying as Scott's which is down-right terrifying (fun fact: Scott's glare is so scary that it has knocked the pants off of a grown man; though I think it had to do with the fact that Gordon, Alan and Jason had taken the man's belt. Reporters are evil people). Blaine laid his hand on Jason's back and started to rub small circles up and down his back trying to comfort him. Blaine pulled Jason off of me and continued to try to calm him down while I was dealing with our older brother. Jason curled up in against Blaine, the other boy did not care he just continued to comfort the younger boy. The others were startled looking at each other feeling terrible that they had made their newly reunited youngest brother break down sobbing.

"We are flying out now. We will be there by morning. Please don't go anywhere without the other, ok.  Get some rest little brothers." Scott said before cutting the call. The three of us sat around talking. Unit Jason nodded off, the rest of us soon followed. It had been a long 24 hours.  

Jason's storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя