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Hello guys, most of you voted for both but wanted me to start with this one, so enjoy it.

Author's pov

The director was looking at us annoyed while we apologized for the 4th time st our childish, I don't know since Rrahule removed his beard, I feel it hilarious, I do the best I can to not just burst out laughing and him seeing me laughing he joins me too.
In this period of Imm2, we became good friends, I remember our first days, we were not comfortable around each other and Vishaal had to literally make us sit forcefully.
FB starts

R's pov

We need to know each other because the discomfort can be seen too, moreover that the incompatibility is the worse thing that can exist between two actors, Especially the main lead.

We were trying hard to make A scene when Vansh danced with Riddhima at the cruise party, but we couldn't make it and it was postponed for the other day.
Vi: what's wrong with you guys? It's just a mere dance and you both are great dancers, you are behaving as if you'll eat each other.
I sent that stupid angry glare at the bullshit he was uttering now. we are already embarrassed and he was adding oil to fire. I am more comfortable with him as he was already my friend, but this is the first time I work with Rrahul.
Vi: stand up Helly, let's dance.
I stood up and I turn on the music on which we were supposed to dance and started flexibly sway with it.
The music reached its end and Rrahul clapped for us.
Ra: wow, you really made it very wonderfully.
He: thank you
Vi: oyee dumb girl, you have to feel relax with each other, but instead you are shying away, no wonder why they give you the role.
The asshole laughed and to my surprise, Rrahul joined him.
He: you too? You are too much, guys.
Ra: sorry.
He(smiling): it's ok.
Vishaal's phone rang, she was his girlfriend Deepakshie. )
He answered her and started apologizing for getting late, lol I laughed at his state.
Vi: guys, I am so sorry I have to go, but you stay with each other, try to beat your discomfort, ok by.
Ra & he: by
Now, it was awkward, the person who made us talk with each other was gone, what we are supposed to do?
Apparently, As if he heard my inner thoughts, he decided to break the ice.
Ra: so what do you like to do generally except acting?
He: I am so fond of dancing, I really like it.
Ra: oh yeah, I've seen many performances of you along with Shakti Arora, it was amazing.
He: thank you, I like your dancing skills too, but let me tell you a secret I found out about you.
Ra(confused): what?
He: you have a very scary voice, you startled me for the first time I swear I wasn't acting.
He giggled looking at my serious face.
He: Sachi, who hear you talking like this, and hear the Vansh Raisinghania will have a difficulty to believe it, salute to you.
Ra: thank you, well you are not any less, being the modern girl that you are, you portrayed very well the character of the scared traditional girl.
He: thank you, how about we practice for our dance?
Ra: yeah why not? Let's go.
This time we made it perfectly without any mistakes while we were chitchatting like long-lost friends.
Since then we became best friends.
FB ends

Fixing my facial expressions, I finally made the scene of me falling in Vihaan's arms, and then it was time to go back home.
Zai: let's hang out all of us.
Vi: great idea
Ch: Helly, come with us.
They all looked at me while I eyed them seriously and then exclaimed.
He: of course idiots, I won't be missing this chance to have fun, let's go woohoo.
Ra: then let's go sweetheart.
He(embarrassed): what awe it's sweetheart season, you don't see like Vansh calls his Riddu by that, veer also addresses his bani by that name.
Ch: and Rrahul?
He: shut up, I am hungry, move.
Just then Nia came (nia Sharma)
She hugged Rrahul and kissed his cheek while my mouth was wide open welcoming the insects inside.
Ch(whispering): close your mouth, she is his girlfriend I guess, she is hot and they suit each other.
He(observing her from head to button): yeah, she is.
The happiness was evident on his face, so he likes her! Suddenly I lost interest in the outing.
He: guys, I am sorry I forgot that I have something important to do, excuse me.
Author's pov
He frowned at that owing to the fact That she was telling him just one hour ago that she has nothing to do tonight and she feels bored.
Ra: Helly wait.
She didn't and he followed her and caught her hand.
Ra: what's wrong with you suddenly?
He: nothing, just tired.
Ra: try another one, maybe it will work, I know that you're the kind of people who is super active, so no tricks.
He: I am fine
Ra: then let's go.
He didn't give me a chance to deny and I obliged as he pulled me by my hand back.
Ra: now let's go, leave your car and come with
N(cutting him off): Vishaal or zain.
Za: Chandni will come with me, really can come with Vishaal.
He: no need I am coming in my car.
She moved to her car and ride it at a crazy pace.
Vi: she is crazy, she didn't even ask us where are we going.
Ra(perplex): yeah, I will call her.
CH: let's go
They moved their cars behind her.
On the way
Nia was talking non-stop with him while he dialed Helly's number, he heard her voice from the other side.
He: hello
Ra: yeah, I wanted to tell you that we will go to --------
Then she heard Neha's voice, and she hanged upon his face.
(Nia's fans don't beat me 😹😹😹)
R:(Looking at the phone): what the hell is wrong with this girl?
N: just jealous of me.
R: no way why would she?
N: what do you mean?
R: she doesn't have a reason to be.
N: my beauty.
R: she is beautiful and confident too. she must be disturbed.
They reached finally their destination and found her near her car waiting.
They go into the restaurant, during the dinner, she was silent and not in the mood as usual to laugh. Rahul tried to start a conversation with her but she was not ready to say anything.
In the middle of dinner, she stood up.
He: I will go now.
Vi: you are behaving oddly, seriously yaar, whenever we come, you are the most delighted about it, however today, I can't understand you.
Ch(looking at her attentively): leave her alone, even I am going with her, take care.
They left.

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