Lost 1&2

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Author's pov

Angrey ran in the forest searching every single corner for his boss and his babhi who might be in danger! He screamed at the men!

Ang: what are you all doing now?? Move! Find them! (Low voice) boss, please hold on for a little more!
If only the damn plan did not flop! He would have been with them! If he was smarter!

But the truth was that Vansh's plan covered handling kabir once and forever but didn't think that chang will suddenly show up there and run behind them!

Ang: the signal shows that they are here! Why the hell none can find them?

One of the men: sir, I found this! (He said holding Vansh's phone with blood on it)

Ang(shout): DAMN IT! DAMN IT! (he punched the tree angrily)
(To himself)get a hold of yourself! Boss is not weak & definitely not dead! He is attacked and injured! What did you think? They got him and I have to rescue him now! 
(He closed his eyes funding it hard to utter his next words but he obliged to the fact that he had no time to feel sorry )

TRY to find any trace of blood! It will lead us to their places! It is still wet! It means that it didn't pass a long time since he was here! GO!

Following his orders, the men went behind the traces till they reached a small abandoned house! The darkness engulfed the place which added to its scary look! Ignoring the horrible sight, he held up his gun ready to sneak in the place! He signaled toward his men so that they cover all the exit ways! The moment he got in someone kicked him from behind! Furiously he turned around and placed the gun in the other men's direction!

Ang: Boss?

He looked at his state, his arm was injured but not a dangerous one!

V: Angrey?

Angrey stood up and hugged him: I was so worried about you! I am glad you're fine! I was already feeling guilty for being negligent!

Vansh held his arm feeling too tired with the fight he got in with the men!

V: I am fine! (sigh) it's not your fault! Did you find Riddhima?

Ang(taken aback):babhi? Me? No! She isn't with you?

V(started panicking): what are you saying, Angrey? wasn't she the one who told you about my whereabouts?

Ang: no boss! I tracked your number, I thought she was here with you!

V: and it led you to here?

Ang(confused): yes?/

V: damn!!!! I gave her my phone!

Ignoring the pain he was feeling, he started running in a direction shouting: RIDDHIMAAAAA!

Angrey run too behind him and Vansh stopped all of sudden turning to him: where did you find it?

Angrey led the way to the place!

V: how can it be possible? I am sure she went in the other direction!

Ang: maybe she was worried about you that:s why she couldn't leave!

V(teary): oh no Angrey! Don't say it! It will be the worst thing she has done if she preferred me over herself and our unborn child! Be it anything but this!

Ang: we'll find her and she'll be fine! No matter how much time it takes! We'll do it!

Ishaani was calling angrey non-stop, he rejected her calls focusing on finding Riddhima till he got a message!

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