Breakfast and Sarcasm

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In this story the following characters are all 17 years old.
Night Ninja/Zack
Conner slowly opened his eyes as the sunlight poured into the bedroom. He was exhausted from the previous battle the night before. The wolfies have grown a whole lot stronger as the years went by. He looked over at the sight of his girlfriend next to him. She stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning Amya," Conner smirked at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend to start the day.

"Good morning Conner," she yawned. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. He stood up, realizing his legs were sore, but he could handle it. He was the great lightning fast Catboy after all.

"Where are you going?" She questioned.

"You stay here and go back to sleep. I have work to do," He made up an excuse, kissed her forehead, and closed the door.

"Ok," she happily mumbles and falls back to sleep.

"Morning Con," Zack says from the couch without looking back.

"What how did you know it was me?" He asks confused.

"I'm a ninja remember?" He says sarcastically.

Conner rolls his eyes, and turns toward the kitchen.

"I need your help," Conner confesses.

"Whatcha doin?" Zack sneaks up behind him, making Conner jump.

"Agh!" He falls to the floor.

Zack bursts out in laughter.

"Shut up! Your going to wake the others," he complained, picking himself off from the floor.

"What are you doing anyway?" Zack laughed more quietly.

"We all had a tough battle yesterday and we're sore-"

"Not me I stretch, because I'm a ninja" Zack smirked before throwing down a smoke bomb. Conner immediately was thrown into a coughing fit, and opened his eyes to find he was the only one in the room.

"Zack" Conner grit his teeth. "You're going to get it"

"Chill out dude" Zack laughed from behind him. Connor spun around to find Zack leaning against the counter. A smirk was found on his face with his arms folded. "What do you want?"

"Listen" Conner raised good voice. "Amaya got hit hard with Rip's howl. She's really sore but i got her to go back to sleep."

"That doesn't answer my question," Zack says skeptically.

"I'm getting there," Conner said with clear frustration in his voice. It was unusual for Connor to get so worked up, but Zack didn't mind. They were best friends after all.

"I decided that while she's still asleep I'm going to make her breakfast in bed," he explains.

Zack busts out laughing again. "But you can't cook."

"That's why I need your help," Conner facepalms.

"Aww can you make me some too," Zack teases .

"Hilarious," Conner says sarcastically. "Now will you help me or not."

"Go get the eggs, and I'll get the pan," Zack orders as he wipes away his tears of laughter.

"Your being extra annoying today," Conner mumbles as he cracks the egg on the pan.

"Dude!" Zack exclaims.

"What?!?" Conner puts his hands up.

"You have to spray the pan, or else the eggs will stick," Zack facepalms.

"Oh." Connor looks back to the egg. "So what now?"

"It's going to be a long morning," Zack sighs.

~~~~~~~After Breakfast~~~~~~~~

"Hey Maya," Conner greets, using his foot to open the door because his full hands.

"Hi Conner," she mumbles with her eyes closed.

"I have a surprise," he laughs.

"Hm?" She opens her eyes and smiles.

"Oh goodness!" She squealed sitting up in bed. Connor placed the tray in front of her with all of her favorite things. Pancakes, Fresh strawberries, blackberries, eggs, and maple syrup.

"Do you like it?"Conner blushes.

"I love it!" She exclaims.

"Really? Does it actually taste good?" He questions hopeful.

She stabs a piece of pancake and puts it in her mouth. She froze for a second until her eyes lit up again. " Woah it tastes so good." She licks her syrupy lips.

Yes! He mentally high fives himself.

"Wait, who cooked this?" She asked suspiciously.

"I had help from Zack," he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Mmmmmm," she takes another bite.

"Thank you Conner," she pats the seat next to her, indicating for him to sit down.

He takes a seat next to her and she's immediately met with a pair of lips onto hers. She immediately kisses back. After a minute, he breaks it and they smile at each other.

"You taste like syrup" he wrinkles his nose.

"Hey your the one who kissed me" she pouted.

He ignored her and pulled her in for another kiss.

They continued to enjoy each other's company and warmth for the ready of the day, as they cuddled and watched movies.

End of chapter

Pj Masks Scenarios Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora