Regirock and Mew

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Mew: "Regirock! It's time to get up!"

Regirock: "give me five more years..."

Mew: "Regirock. I don't want to fight you on this, your siblings, or even your father for that matter either... Just get up!"

Regirock: "why...?"

Mew: "Because, it's a beautiful day outside! And everyone is coming over to the Crown Tundra! Wouldn't it be nice to say, 'hi' to everyone? See what everyone is up too?"

Regirock: "Too much energy... I'd rather not..."

Mew: "That's all you Regis say! Every single one of you! You're getting some sunshine no matter what!"

*Mew grabs a ever stone and makes the pattern on the floor glow. Regirock then showed up infront of her. But then the Regi sat down*

Regirock: "I'm not moving..."

*Mew used phycic*

Mew: "You are moving!"

*Mew then dragged the Regi out of their shrine. But, they did grumble the whole time*

Mew: "Now, to get the others... I might need some help with that..."

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